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Book Summary : The Power of Intention

Book Summary : The Power of Intention

Key Point from the “The Power of Intention” by Dr. Wayne W. Dyer

  1. It is on the power of positive thinking and how to use it to manifest one’s desires and achieve success.
  2. How thoughts and intentions shape our reality and that aligning our thoughts and actions
  3. Be in the state of “allowing” and not “resistance” for the manifestation of intentions.
  4. Don’t focus on the outcome of our intentions but on the feeling and vibration that the outcome would bring.
  5. Let go of limiting beliefs and negative thoughts that can block the manifestation of intentions.
  6. Practice gratitude and to look at every situation as an opportunity to learn and grow.
  7. Develop a connection to the source through meditation, prayer, or other spiritual practices.
  8. It is importance to be in harmony with the universe and being in tune with the natural flow of things.
  9. Open yourself to receive the signs that the universe is sending them.
  10. Take action and to be persistent in their efforts to manifest their intentions.
  11. Let go of attachment to the outcome and to trust that the universe has a plan for us.
  12. Visualize your intentions and to use affirmations to reinforce them.
  13. Satsanga, community, surrounding oneself with positive and supportive people is very important.
  14. Live in the present moment and to let go of the past and the future.

Mind Map : The Power of Intention


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