Welcome to Wisdom in Awareness Quotations!

In today’s information age, when we have lots of data and information. When most of us have lost the ability to read longer text, listen carefully, watch attentively, and think deeper. The most unfortunate tragedy that happened to humanity is they think that they think but the overall ability to think independently and deeper has faded hugely. You may be thinking, that you know so much, and think so much, therefore, whatever coming from your mind is yours. Think again, whatever you think is yours is given to you by those 15-second ads, social media comments, and one-liner quotations from some book or philosopher.

WIA Quotations are my efforts to help my surroundings to think, and think differently. Not as a rebel but as a seeker of the Self. I don’t want you to agree with my thoughts and articles, nor do I want you to stand against them. I wish they provoke you and your experience the impact of those words, you think critically and become free from memories of the past, apprehensions of the future, fear of loss, temptations of gain, words of the scriptures, and logic of the philosophers. These quotations are free from positive or negative thinking (there are many people who are doing good work on that theme), and political or religious opinions. No matter how old you are, how much experience you have, and which culture or religion you follow, these quotations can dig deeper into the human psyche. Maybe you find your True self in this reflective process.

Join me on this journey of intellectual liberation, where the power of thought becomes a lamp in a deep dark forest guiding you towards a more profound understanding of yourself and the world around you.

On a mission to help those who are suffering their own existence because of their own restless mind!

Quotation 275

less than 1 minute read

Why Do We Assume?

Quotation 274

less than 1 minute read

The Art of Not Working

Quotation 273

less than 1 minute read

Is there anything wrong with claims?

Quotation 272

less than 1 minute read

Gahana Karmano Gati

Quotation 271

less than 1 minute read

What is Karma?

Quotation 270

less than 1 minute read

Tree and Human

Quotation 269

less than 1 minute read

When Silence is Good?

Quotation 268

less than 1 minute read

What is Papam?

Quotation 267

less than 1 minute read

The Process of Learning and Evolution

Quotation 266

less than 1 minute read

Enjoy the Process

Quotation 265

less than 1 minute read

Trust Building

Quotation 264

less than 1 minute read

Who is Pandita?

Quotation 263

less than 1 minute read

Who is Free in the World?

Quotation 262

less than 1 minute read

Your Chemistry your Choice

Quotation 261

less than 1 minute read

Detachment and Attachment

Quotation 259

less than 1 minute read

Words of Socrates

Quotation 258

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Learning Process

Quotation 257

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Quotation 256

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Education after 2023

Quotation 255

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The Concept of God

Quotation 254

less than 1 minute read

Destruction in Meditation

Quotation 253

less than 1 minute read

Happy New Year 2023

Quotation 252

less than 1 minute read

Big Bang Timeline

Quotation 251

less than 1 minute read

Your Wishes are not Yours

Quotation 250

less than 1 minute read

Philosophical Pessimism

Quotation 249

less than 1 minute read

Why is he happy?

Quotation 248

less than 1 minute read

Bodies and Their Food

Quotation 247

less than 1 minute read

Investment and Returns

Quotation 246

less than 1 minute read

Kind of People & Their Suffering

Quotation 245

less than 1 minute read

Don’t Suffer

Quotation 244

less than 1 minute read

Karma vs words

Quotation 243

less than 1 minute read

Morality to Control People

Quotation 242

less than 1 minute read

The World is Complete

Quotation 241

less than 1 minute read

Human Looks for Slavery

Quotation 240

less than 1 minute read

Fear of Death

Quotation 239

less than 1 minute read

Saint or Politician

Quotation 237

less than 1 minute read

Busy life and freedom

Quotation 236

less than 1 minute read

Identity Creation

Quotation 235

less than 1 minute read

Food Taste vs Food Wisdom

Quotation 234

less than 1 minute read

Size of Body and Intelligence

Quotation 233

less than 1 minute read

Living the Purpose of the Human Body

Quotation 232

less than 1 minute read

The Purpose of the Human Body

Quotation 230

less than 1 minute read

The will of the universe

Quotation 229

less than 1 minute read

Working with Heart and Head

Quotation 227

less than 1 minute read

Human Suffering

Quotation 226

less than 1 minute read

Sickness and Prescription

Quotation 225

less than 1 minute read

The curse of Knowledge

Quotation 224

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Purpose and Limitation of Languages

Quotation 223

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Don’t speak

Quotation 222

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Love or Compromise

Quotation 221

less than 1 minute read

Conclusion about God

Quotation 220

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Life, Death and Living

Quotation 219

less than 1 minute read

Karma cannot be Canceled

Quotation 218

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Breath and Birth

Quotation 216

less than 1 minute read

Nature of the Existence

Quotation 215

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Man vs Machine

Quotation 214

less than 1 minute read

Going Beyond Mind

Quotation 213

less than 1 minute read

You are not Past or Future

Quotation 212

less than 1 minute read

Truth cannot be Said

Quotation 211

less than 1 minute read

You are not a Body

Quotation 210

less than 1 minute read

Who is Watching Dream?

Quotation 209

less than 1 minute read

EyeBall Movement

Quotation 208

less than 1 minute read

Speaking Eyes

Quotation 207

less than 1 minute read

Slavery of Master

Quotation 206

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Useful Madness

Quotation 205

less than 1 minute read

Busy Even in Dream

Quotation 204

less than 1 minute read

Relax by Being

Quotation 203

less than 1 minute read

How to Stop Mind?

Quotation 202

less than 1 minute read

What is Sin?

Quotation 201

less than 1 minute read

Human Energy Flow

Quotation 200

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Riverbank and Rever

Quotation 199

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Arresting Time

Quotation 198

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Silence for the Self

Quotation 197

less than 1 minute read

Same Experience is not Possible

Quotation 196

less than 1 minute read

Light and Blindness

Quotation 195

less than 1 minute read

Knowing vs Realizing

Quotation 194

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Death, Love and Meditation

Quotation 193

less than 1 minute read

What is Spirituality?

Quotation 192

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Existential Truth

Quotation 189

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Never Multiply with Negative

Quotation 187

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Elasticity of Karma

Quotation 185

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House, Museum, or Tomb

Quotation 183

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Fearless Living

Quotation 182

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Creating Infrastructure to Live

Quotation 181

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Method of Greetings in India

Quotation 180

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Cause of Pain and Suffering

Quotation 179

less than 1 minute read

Human Compulsiveness

Quotation 178

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Test to know the Self

Quotation 177

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Love for Mathematics and Physics

Quotation 176

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Thinking in Human vs Computers

Quotation 175

less than 1 minute read

What is Mathematics

Quotation 174

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Does Human Being Have Free Will?

Quotation 167

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Machine Learning and Maths

Quotation 166

less than 1 minute read

Data Augmentation in Machine Learning

Quotation 165

less than 1 minute read

Machine Model Training and Child Training

Quotation 164

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Ideal Life to Live

Quotation 163

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Working with Smarter People

Quotation 162

less than 1 minute read

Selective Listening

Quotation 161

less than 1 minute read

Stay Positive Even When Alone

Quotation 160

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Information Age and Helpless Human

Quotation 159

less than 1 minute read

Following Books or Action in Awareness

Quotation 157

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Travel into Chidaakasha

Quotation 156

less than 1 minute read

Develop A Mind to Dwell on the Self

Quotation 155

less than 1 minute read

Knowledge Must Be Realized

Quotation 154

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Women and Samskrut

Quotation 153

less than 1 minute read

Living with Awareness

Quotation 152

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Ability to Question Makes us Human

Quotation 151

less than 1 minute read

Glory of Sanskrit

Quotation 150

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Meaning of Responsibility

Quotation 149

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Who Makes Your Life Hell?

Quotation 148

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Superficial Life and Fear of AI

Quotation 146

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Negative or Positive Energy

Quotation 145

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Nothing is Absolutely Good or Bad

Quotation 144

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What you think Good is your Good

Quotation 143

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Reality vs Our Experience

Quotation 142

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Democracy becoming Dictatorship

Quotation 141

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Actions to Freedom

Quotation 140

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Should I Pray for Atheist

Quotation 139

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Friendship with Good People

Quotation 138

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Genuine Seekers are Rare Breed

Quotation 137

less than 1 minute read

Religions of 21st Century

Quotation 136

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Educated People in Politics

Quotation 135

less than 1 minute read

Language is to say what you don’t want

Quotation 134

less than 1 minute read

Coaching Method

Quotation 133

less than 1 minute read

Futuristic Education

Quotation 132

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All Time Honest is Impossible

Quotation 131

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Opinion about tomorrow

Quotation 130

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Mindless Competition

Quotation 129

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Context Based Learning

Quotation 128

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Adjusting Intensity of Mamkaar

Quotation 127

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Experience of True Self

Quotation 126

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CSR and Charitable Indian

Quotation 125

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Unprovable Experience

Quotation 124

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Consciousness in Deep Sleep

Quotation 122

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Unsupported Warranty

Quotation 121

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Watching your Mind

Quotation 120

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A Fast Moving Train

Quotation 118

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Ganesh Worship in Hinduism

Quotation 117

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Wise Spider or Human

Quotation 116

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Hurting When you Don’t Want

Quotation 114

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The Best is not the Best

Quotation 113

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Career Temptations vs Actual Passion

Quotation 112

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Crazy Human Mind

Quotation 110

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Human Capabilities and Machine

Quotation 109

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Root Cause of the Suffering

Quotation 108

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Human Relationship and Hell

Quotation 105

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Education and Suffering

Quotation 104

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Teachers of Dukkha All Around

Quotation 103

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Dukh me Sumiran Sab Kare

Quotation 102

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Scientist vs Spiritualist

Quotation 101

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Attachment vs Love

Quotation 099

less than 1 minute read

Sensitive Heart

Quotation 098

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Avoidable Assumptions

Quotation 097

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Symmetry for Survival

Quotation 096

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Heating to Blasting

Quotation 095

less than 1 minute read

Vijay Dashmi 2021

Quotation 094

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Knowing Facts vs Realizing Truth

Quotation 093

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Angerlessness is not Virtue

Quotation 092

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Dissolve your Suffering

Quotation 091

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Reflective Mind

Quotation 090

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Natural Mind vs Cultured Mind

Quotation 089

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Level of Living Philosophy

Quotation 088

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Hard work vs Donkey Work

Quotation 087

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Interpreting Math Formula

Quotation 086

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Attitude towards Luck

Quotation 085

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Source of Happiness

Quotation 084

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Forgetting vs Forgiving

Quotation 083

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Mistaking, Blaming, and Forging

Quotation 082

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World is Perfect

Quotation 081

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What is Nididhyasana?

Quotation 080

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Human Fear is Permanent

Quotation 078

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Tragedy of Thinking

Quotation 077

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Objectification of Subject

Quotation 076

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Infinity Divider

Quotation 075

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Type of Mind

Quotation 074

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AI and Human Jobs

Quotation 073

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Limitation of Grammar

Quotation 072

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About Awareness

Quotation 071

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Information Bombardment

Quotation 070

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Three things to happen

Quotation 068

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Manas and Chaitnya

Quotation 067

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Price for Freedom

Quotation 066

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Knowledge Base in Sanskrit

Quotation 065

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Types of Vedanta

Quotation 064

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The Way to know the Self

Quotation 062

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Saakshi of Mind

Quotation 061

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Purpose of the History

Quotation 060

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Means and Goal

Quotation 059

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Meaning of Spiritual Life

Quotation 058

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Language of the Cosmos

Quotation 057

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Understanding, Interpreting, and Solutioning

Quotation 054

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Love and Moksha

Quotation 053

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Success and Action

Quotation 052

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Happiness First

Quotation 051

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Life Style & Happiness

Quotation 050

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Love and Mind

Quotation 049

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Bondage is our creation

Quotation 048

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Sky can arrest you

Quotation 047

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Purpose of Education 2

Quotation 046

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Opposites Attracts

Quotation 045

less than 1 minute read

Part of the Problem

Quotation 044

less than 1 minute read

Purpose of Education

Quotation 043

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What should we do, for the peace of Mind?

Quotation 041

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God Supports the Weaker?

Quotation 040

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Listener, Message, and Messenger

Quotation 039

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Circular Life

Quotation 038

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Happiness and Friends

Quotation 037

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Suffering, Pain, and Happiness

Quotation 036

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Krishna and Cows

Quotation 035

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Travel and Direction of Travel

Quotation 032

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Source of Words and Objects

Quotation 031

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Defending in ignorance

Quotation 030

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Life in Living Being

Quotation 029

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Purpose of the Human Life

Quotation 028

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Six Topics to Think

Quotation 027

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Morality vs Humanity

Quotation 026

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Transactions in the World

Quotation 025

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Map is not Road

Quotation 023

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Happiness through Love

Quotation 022

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Creating Wonderful Human

Quotation 021

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Spiritual Gurus vs ML Engineer

Quotation 020

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Existence without Adjectives

Quotation 019

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Accept Life in Totality

Quotation 018

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Self Beyond Word

Quotation 016

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Genius is Disease

Quotation 015

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What is an Accident

Quotation 024

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Janmashtami 2021

Quotation 013

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What is Health?

Quotation 012

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Respect vs Tolerance

Quotation 009

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Living and Dying

Quotation 008

less than 1 minute read

Do not Kill your Body

Quotation 007

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Looking into Eyes

Quotation 006

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Immortality beyond Graveyard

Quotation 005

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Mind is illness

Quotation 004

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Falling in Love

Quotation 003

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Do not get hooked on the words

Quotation 002

less than 1 minute read

Pursuing Realty in Dream