34 minute read

AWS SageMaker Jumpstart Models

AWS SageMaker Jumpstart Models

As of 17-Jul-23, AWS Sagemaker has 463 models in its Model Zoo. They call these models as Jumstart Models. What are the capabilities of these models, who are the developer of these models, where these models are hosted in given in the table below.

SNo. Task Type Company Model Description Model ID
1. Text Generation Huggingface Falcon-40B-Instruct is a 40B parameters causal decoder-only model built by TII based on Falcon-40B and finetuned on a mixture of Baize It is ready-to-use chat/instruct model based on Falcon 40B Model ID: huggingface-textgeneration-falcon-40b-instruct-bf16
2. Text Generation Huggingface This is a Text Generation model built upon a Transformer model from Hugging Face Model ID: huggingface-textgeneration-open-llama
3. Text to Image StabilityAI Extend beyond just text-to-image prompting. Stable Diffusion XL offers several ways to modify the images: Inpainting - edit inside the image, Outpainting - extend the image outside of the original image, Image-to-image - prompt a new image using a sourced image.  
4. Text Generation Cohere Generative model that responds well with instruction-like prompts. This model provides businesses and enterprises with best quality, performance and accuracy in all generative tasks. And with our intuitive SDK, unlocking the full potential of LLMs for your applications has never been easier.  
5. Text Generation AI21 Labs Jurassic-2 Ultra is optimized to follow natural language instructions and context, so there is no need to provide it with any examples.  
6. Text Generation AI21 Labs    
7. Text Generation AI21 Labs Condense lengthy texts into short, easy-to-read bites that remain factually consistent with the source. No prompting needed – simply input the text that needs to be summarized. The model is specifically trained to generate summaries that capture the essence and key ideas of the original text.  
8. Text Generation AI21 Labs Get the AI21 Paraphrase model, the top-of-the-line paraphrasing engine, and deploy it in your private environment. The model aims to generate 10 alternative suggestions with every activation. It may return fewer suggestions when rewriting very short texts for which it cannot produce as many as 10 sensible paraphrases.  
9. Text Generation AI21 Labs Jurassic-2 Mid is optimized to follow natural language instructions and context, so there is no need to provide it with any examples. Pre-trained language model trained by AI21 Labs on a corpus of web text including natural language and computer programs with recent data - updated to mid 2022. This model has a 8192 token context window (i.e. the length of the prompt + completion should be at most 8192 tokens).  
10. Text Generation AI21 Labs Detects and suggests corrections for Grammar, Spelling, Punctuation mistakes, as well as word misuse, and accidental repetition or omission.  
11. Text to Image StabilityAI Extend beyond just text-to-image prompting. Stable Diffusion XL offers several ways to modify the images: Inpainting - edit inside the image, Outpainting - extend the image outside of the original image, Image-to-image - prompt a new image using a sourced image.  
12. Text to Image Stabilityai This is a text-to-image model from Stability AI and downloaded from HuggingFace It takes a textual description as input and returns a generated image from the description Model ID: model-txt2img-stabilityai-stable-diffusion-v2-1-base
13.   Huggingface This is a Text2Text Generation model built upon a T5 model from Hugging Face The deployed model can be used for running inference on any input text Model ID: huggingface-text2text-flan-t5-xl
14.   Huggingface This is a Text Generation model built upon a Transformer model from Hugging Face It takes a text string as input and predicts next words in the sequence Model ID: huggingface-textgeneration1-gpt-j-6b
15.   Huggingface This is a Text2Text Generation model built upon a T5 model from Hugging Face The deployed model can be used for running inference on any input text Model ID: huggingface-text2text-flan-ul2-bf16
16. Text Generation Pytorch AlexaTM 20B is a multitask, multilingual, large-scale sequence-to-sequence (seq2seq) model, trained on a mixture of Common Crawl (mC4) and Wikipedia data across 12 languages, using denoising and Causal Language Modeling (CLM) tasks Model ID: pytorch-textgeneration1-alexa20b
17. Text Generation Huggingface This is a Text Generation model built upon a Transformer model from Hugging Face It takes a text string as input and predicts next words in the sequence Model ID: huggingface-textgeneration-bloom-1b7
18. Image Classification Tensorflow This is an Image Classification model from TensorFlow Hub It takes an image as input and classifies the image to one of the 1001 classes Model ID: tensorflow-ic-imagenet-mobilenet-v2-100-224-classification-4
19. Object Detection Tensorflow This is an object detection model from Tensorflow It takes an image as input and returns bounding boxes for the objects in the image Model ID: tensorflow-od1-ssd-resnet50-v1-fpn-640x640-coco17-tpu-8
20. Object Detection Pytorch This is an object detection model from PyTorch Hub It takes an image as input and returns bounding boxes for the objects in the image Model ID: pytorch-od1-fasterrcnn-resnet50-fpn
21. Text Classification Tensorflow This is a Text Classification model built upon a Text Embedding model from TensorFlow Hub It takes a text string as input and classifies the input text as either a positive or negative movie review Model ID: tensorflow-tc-bert-en-uncased-L-12-H-768-A-12-2
22. Question Answering Huggingface This is an Extractive Question Answering model built on a Transformer model from Hugging Face It takes two strings as inputs: the first string is a question and the second string is the context or any text you want to use to find the answer of the question, and it returns a sub-string from the context as an answer to the question Model ID: huggingface-eqa-distilbert-base-uncased
23. Zero-Shot Text Classification Huggingface This is Zero Shot Text Classification model built on a Transformer model from Hugging Face It can classify sentences in English language It takes a sequence and a list of candidate labels as inputs and predicts score that the sequence is associated with the particular label Model ID: huggingface-zstc-facebook-bart-large-mnli
24. Semantic Segmentation Mxnet This is an Semantic Segmentation model from Gluon CV It takes an image as input and returns class label for each pixel in the image Model ID: mxnet-semseg-fcn-resnet101-coco
25. Sentence Pair Classification Huggingface This is a Sentence Pair Classification model built upon a Text Embedding model from Hugging Face It takes a pair of sentences as input and classifies the input pair to ‘entailment’ or ‘no-entailment’ Model ID: huggingface-spc-distilbert-base-uncased
26. Named Entity Recognition Huggingface This is a Named Entity Generation model built upon a Transformer model from Hugging Face It takes a text string as input and predicts named entities in the input text Model ID: huggingface-ner-distilbert-base-cased-finetuned-conll03-english
27. Text Summarization Huggingface This is a Text Summarization model built upon a Transformer model from Hugging Face It takes a text string as input and returns a summary of the text Model ID: huggingface-summarization-distilbart-xsum-1-1
28. Machine Translation Huggingface This is a Machine Translation model built upon a Transformer model from Hugging Face It takes a text string as input and predicts its translation Model ID: huggingface-translation-t5-small
29. Text Embedding Tensorflow This is a Text Embedding model from TensorFlow Hub It takes a text string as input and outputs an embedding vector The Text Embedding model is pre-trained on Wikipedia and BookCorpus datasets Model ID: tensorflow-tcembedding-bert-en-uncased-L-2-H-128-A-2-2
30. Text Embedding Mxnet This is a Text Embedding model from GluonNLP pre-trained on the decade (2010-2019) of S&P 500 10-K/10-Q reports It takes a text string as input and outputs an embedding vector For pre-training, the entire text of the 10K/Q filing was used, not just the MD&A (Management Discussion and Analysis) section, so as to ensure that a broader context of financial language is captured Embeddings from the pre-trained modelare then used for fine-tuning specific classifiers Model ID: mxnet-tcembedding-robertafin-base-uncased
31. Sentence Pair Classification Tensorflow This is a Sentence Pair Classification model built upon a Text Embedding model from TensorFlow Hub It takes a pair of sentences as input and classifies the input pair to ‘entailment’ or ‘no-entailment’ Model ID: tensorflow-spc-bert-en-uncased-L-12-H-768-A-12-2
32. Instance Segmentation Mxnet This is an Instance Segmentation model from Gluon CV It detects and delineates each distinct object in the image Model ID: mxnet-is-mask-rcnn-fpn-resnet101-v1d-coco
33. Image Embedding Tensorflow This is an Image Feature Vector model from TensorFlow Hub It takes an image as input and returns a feature vector (embedding) of the image Model ID: tensorflow-icembedding-imagenet-mobilenet-v2-100-224-featurevector-4
34. Image Classification Pytorch This is an Image Classification model from PyTorch Hub It takes an image as input and classifies the image to one of the 1000 classes Model ID: pytorch-ic-mobilenet-v2
35. Object Detection Mxnet This is an object detection model from Gluon CV It takes an image as input and returns bounding boxes for the objects in the image Model ID: mxnet-od-ssd-512-mobilenet1-0-coco
36. Object Detection Tensorflow This is an object detection model from TensorFlow Hub It takes an image as input and returns bounding boxes for the objects in the image Model ID: tensorflow-od-ssd-mobilenet-v2-fpnlite-320x320-1
37. Object Detection Pytorch This is an object detection model from PyTorch Hub It takes an image as input and returns bounding boxes for the objects in the image Model ID: pytorch-od-nvidia-ssd
38. Image Classification Tensorflow This is an Image Classification model from TensorFlow Hub It takes an image as input and classifies the image to one of the 1001 classes Model ID: tensorflow-ic-imagenet-mobilenet-v2-075-224-classification-4
39. Image Classification Tensorflow Same as above Model ID: tensorflow-ic-imagenet-mobilenet-v2-050-224-classification-4
40. Image Classification Tensorflow Same as above Model ID: tensorflow-ic-imagenet-mobilenet-v2-035-224-classification-4
41. Image Classification Tensorflow Same as above Model ID: tensorflow-ic-imagenet-mobilenet-v2-140-224-classification-4
42. Image Classification Tensorflow Same as above Model ID: tensorflow-ic-imagenet-mobilenet-v2-130-224-classification-4
43. Object Detection Pytorch This is an object detection model from PyTorch Hub It takes an image as input and returns bounding boxes for the objects in the image Model ID: pytorch-od1-fasterrcnn-mobilenet-v3-large-320-fpn
44. Object Detection Pytorch Same Model ID: pytorch-od1-fasterrcnn-mobilenet-v3-large-fpn
45. Semantic Segmentation Mxnet This is an Semantic Segmentation model from Gluon CV It takes an image as input and returns class label for each pixel in the image Model ID: mxnet-semseg-fcn-resnet101-voc
46. Semantic Segmentation Mxnet Same as above Model ID: mxnet-semseg-fcn-resnet101-ade
47. Instance Segmentation Mxnet Same as above Model ID: mxnet-semseg-fcn-resnet50-ade
48. Image Classification Pytorch This is an Image Classification model from PyTorch Hub It takes an image as input and classifies the image to one of the 1000 classes Model ID: pytorch-ic-resnet18
49. Image Classification Pytorch Same Model ID: pytorch-ic-resnet34
50. Image Classification Pytorch Same Model ID: pytorch-ic-resnet50
51. Image Classification Pytorch Same Model ID: pytorch-ic-resnet101
52. Image Classification Pytorch Same Model ID: pytorch-ic-resnet152
53. Object Detection Mxnet This is an object detection model from Gluon CV It takes an image as input and returns bounding boxes for the objects in the image Model ID: mxnet-od-ssd-512-mobilenet1-0-voc
54. Object Detection Mxnet Same Model ID: mxnet-od-ssd-512-resnet50-v1-coco
55. Object Detection Mxnet Same Model ID: mxnet-od-ssd-512-resnet50-v1-voc
56. Object Detection Mxnet Same Model ID: mxnet-od-ssd-300-vgg16-atrous-coco
57. Object Detection Mxnet Same Model ID: mxnet-od-ssd-300-vgg16-atrous-voc
58. Object Detection Tensorflow Same Model ID: tensorflow-od1-ssd-efficientdet-d0-512x512-coco17-tpu-8
59. Object Detection Tensorflow Same Model ID: tensorflow-od1-ssd-efficientdet-d1-640x640-coco17-tpu-8
60. Object Detection Tensorflow Same Model ID: tensorflow-od1-ssd-efficientdet-d2-768x768-coco17-tpu-8
61. Object Detection Tensorflow Same Model ID: tensorflow-od1-ssd-efficientdet-d3-896x896-coco17-tpu-32
62. Object Detection Tensorflow Same Model ID: tensorflow-od1-ssd-mobilenet-v1-fpn-640x640-coco17-tpu-8
63. Instance Segmentation Mxnet This is an Instance Segmentation model from Gluon CV It detects and delineates each distinct object in the image Model ID: mxnet-is-mask-rcnn-fpn-resnet50-v1b-coco
64. Instance Segmentation Mxnet Same Model ID: mxnet-is-mask-rcnn-fpn-resnet18-v1b-coco
65.   Mxnet Same Model ID: mxnet-is-mask-rcnn-resnet18-v1b-coco
66. Image Embedding Tensorflow This is an Image Feature Vector model from TensorFlow Hub It takes an image as input and returns a feature vector (embedding) of the image Model ID: tensorflow-icembedding-imagenet-mobilenet-v2-075-224-featurevector-4
67. Image Embedding Tensorflow Same Model ID: tensorflow-icembedding-imagenet-mobilenet-v2-050-224-featurevector-4
68. Image Embedding Tensorflow Same Model ID: tensorflow-icembedding-imagenet-mobilenet-v2-035-224-featurevector-4
69. Image Embedding Tensorflow Same Model ID: tensorflow-icembedding-imagenet-mobilenet-v2-140-224-featurevector-4
70. Image Embedding Tensorflow Same Model ID: tensorflow-icembedding-imagenet-mobilenet-v2-130-224-featurevector-4
71. Object Detection Tensorflow This is an object detection model from TensorFlow Hub It takes an image as input and returns bounding boxes for the objects in the image Model ID: tensorflow-od-ssd-mobilenet-v2-fpnlite-640x640-1
72. Object Detection Tensorflow Same Model ID: tensorflow-od-ssd-mobilenet-v2-2
73. Object Detection Tensorflow Same Model ID: tensorflow-od-ssd-mobilenet-v1-fpn-640x640-1
74. Object Detection Tensorflow Same Model ID: tensorflow-od-faster-rcnn-resnet50-v1-640x640-1
75. Object Detection Tensorflow Same Model ID: tensorflow-od-faster-rcnn-resnet50-v1-800x1333-1
76. Zero-Shot Text Classification Huggingface This is Zero Shot Text Classification model built on a Transformer model from Hugging Face It can classify sentences in English language It takes a sequence and a list of candidate labels as inputs and predicts score that the sequence is associated with the particular label Model ID: huggingface-zstc-narsil-deberta-large-mnli-zero-cls
77. Zero-Shot Text Classification Huggingface Same Model ID: huggingface-zstc-moritzlaurer-deberta-v3-large-mnli-fever-anli-ling-wanli
78. Zero-Shot Text Classification Huggingface Same Model ID: huggingface-zstc-cross-encoder-nli-distilroberta-base
79. Zero-Shot Text Classification Huggingface Same Model ID: huggingface-zstc-recognai-bert-base-spanish-wwm-cased-xnli
80. Zero-Shot Text Classification Huggingface Same Model ID: huggingface-zstc-moritzlaurer-mdeberta-v3-base-xnli-multilingual-nli-2mil7
81. Zero-Shot Text Classification Huggingface Same Model ID: huggingface-zstc-cross-encoder-nli-roberta-base
82. Zero-Shot Text Classification Huggingface Same Model ID: huggingface-zstc-cross-encoder-nli-deberta-base
83. Zero-Shot Text Classification Huggingface Same Model ID: huggingface-zstc-cross-encoder-nli-minilm2-l6-h768
84. Zero-Shot Text Classification Huggingface Same Model ID: huggingface-zstc-recognai-zeroshot-selectra-medium
85. Zero-Shot Text Classification Huggingface Same Model ID: huggingface-zstc-navteca-bart-large-mnli
86. Zero-Shot Text Classification Huggingface Same Model ID: huggingface-zstc-jiva-xlm-roberta-large-it-mnli
87. Zero-Shot Text Classification Huggingface Same Model ID: huggingface-zstc-digitalepidemiologylab-covid-twitter-bert-v2-mnli
88. Zero-Shot Text Classification Huggingface Same Model ID: huggingface-zstc-recognai-zeroshot-selectra-small
89. Zero-Shot Text Classification Huggingface Same Model ID: huggingface-zstc-emrecan-distilbert-base-turkish-cased-snli-tr
90. Zero-Shot Text Classification Huggingface Same Model ID: huggingface-zstc-emrecan-bert-base-turkish-cased-allnli-tr
91. Zero-Shot Text Classification Huggingface Same Model ID: huggingface-zstc-emrecan-bert-base-turkish-cased-snli-tr
92. Zero-Shot Text Classification Huggingface Same Model ID: huggingface-zstc-emrecan-bert-base-multilingual-cased-allnli-tr
93. Zero-Shot Text Classification Huggingface Same Model ID: huggingface-zstc-narsil-bart-large-mnli-opti
94. Zero-Shot Text Classification Huggingface Same Model ID: huggingface-zstc-emrecan-convbert-base-turkish-mc4-cased-allnli-tr
95. Zero-Shot Text Classification Huggingface Same Model ID: huggingface-zstc-lighteternal-nli-xlm-r-greek
96. Zero-Shot Text Classification Huggingface Same Model ID: huggingface-zstc-emrecan-distilbert-base-turkish-cased-allnli-tr
97. Zero-Shot Text Classification Huggingface Same Model ID: huggingface-zstc-emrecan-bert-base-multilingual-cased-multinli-tr
98. Zero-Shot Text Classification Huggingface Same Model ID: huggingface-zstc-eleldar-theme-classification
99. Zero-Shot Text Classification Huggingface Same Model ID: huggingface-zstc-emrecan-bert-base-turkish-cased-multinli-tr
100. Zero-Shot Text Classification Huggingface Same Model ID: huggingface-zstc-emrecan-bert-base-multilingual-cased-snli-tr
101. Zero-Shot Text Classification Huggingface Same Model ID: huggingface-zstc-emrecan-convbert-base-turkish-mc4-cased-multinli-tr
102. Zero-Shot Text Classification Huggingface Same Model ID: huggingface-zstc-emrecan-distilbert-base-turkish-cased-multinli-tr
103. Zero-Shot Text Classification Huggingface Same Model ID: huggingface-zstc-emrecan-convbert-base-turkish-mc4-cased-snli-tr
104. Image Classification Tensorflow This is an Image Classification model from TensorFlow Hub It takes an image as input and classifies the image to one of the 1001 classes Model ID: tensorflow-ic-tf2-preview-mobilenet-v2-classification-4
105. Image Classification Tensorflow Same Model ID: tensorflow-ic-imagenet-inception-v3-classification-4
106. Image Classification Tensorflow Same Model ID: tensorflow-ic-imagenet-inception-v2-classification-4
107. Image Classification Tensorflow Same Model ID: tensorflow-ic-imagenet-inception-v1-classification-4
108. Image Classification Tensorflow Same Model ID: tensorflow-ic-tf2-preview-inception-v3-classification-4
109. Image Classification Tensorflow Same Model ID: tensorflow-ic-imagenet-inception-resnet-v2-classification-4
110. Image Classification Tensorflow Same Model ID: tensorflow-ic-imagenet-resnet-v2-50-classification-4
111. Image Classification Tensorflow Same Model ID: tensorflow-ic-imagenet-resnet-v2-101-classification-4
112. Image Classification Tensorflow Same Model ID: tensorflow-ic-imagenet-resnet-v2-152-classification-4
113. Image Classification Tensorflow Same Model ID: tensorflow-ic-imagenet-resnet-v1-50-classification-4
114. Image Classification Tensorflow Same Model ID: tensorflow-ic-imagenet-resnet-v1-101-classification-4
115. Image Classification Tensorflow Same Model ID: tensorflow-ic-imagenet-resnet-v1-152-classification-4
116. Image Classification Tensorflow Same Model ID: tensorflow-ic-resnet-50-classification-1
117. Image Classification Tensorflow Same Model ID: tensorflow-ic-efficientnet-b0-classification-1
118. Image Classification Tensorflow Same Model ID: tensorflow-ic-efficientnet-b1-classification-1
119. Image Classification Tensorflow Same Model ID: tensorflow-ic-efficientnet-b2-classification-1
120. Image Classification Tensorflow Same Model ID: tensorflow-ic-efficientnet-b3-classification-1
121. Image Classification Tensorflow Same Model ID: tensorflow-ic-efficientnet-b4-classification-1
122. Image Classification Tensorflow Same Model ID: tensorflow-ic-efficientnet-b5-classification-1
123. Image Classification Tensorflow Same Model ID: tensorflow-ic-efficientnet-b6-classification-1
124. Image Classification Tensorflow Same Model ID: tensorflow-ic-efficientnet-b7-classification-1
125. Image Classification Tensorflow Same Model ID: tensorflow-ic-efficientnet-lite0-classification-2
126. Image Classification Tensorflow Same Model ID: tensorflow-ic-efficientnet-lite1-classification-2
127. Image Classification Tensorflow Same Model ID: tensorflow-ic-efficientnet-lite2-classification-2
128. Image Classification Tensorflow Same Model ID: tensorflow-ic-efficientnet-lite3-classification-2
129. Image Classification Tensorflow Same Model ID: tensorflow-ic-efficientnet-lite4-classification-2
130. Image Classification Tensorflow Same Model ID: tensorflow-ic-imagenet-mobilenet-v1-100-224-classification-4
131. Image Classification Tensorflow Same Model ID: tensorflow-ic-imagenet-mobilenet-v1-100-192-classification-4
132. Image Classification Tensorflow Same Model ID: tensorflow-ic-imagenet-mobilenet-v1-100-160-classification-4
133. Image Classification Tensorflow Same Model ID: tensorflow-ic-imagenet-mobilenet-v1-100-128-classification-4
134. Image Classification Tensorflow Same Model ID: tensorflow-ic-imagenet-mobilenet-v1-075-224-classification-4
135. Image Classification Tensorflow Same Model ID: tensorflow-ic-imagenet-mobilenet-v1-075-192-classification-4
136. Image Classification Tensorflow Same Model ID: tensorflow-ic-imagenet-mobilenet-v1-075-160-classification-4
137. Image Classification Tensorflow Same Model ID: tensorflow-ic-imagenet-mobilenet-v1-075-128-classification-4
138. Image Classification Tensorflow Same Model ID: tensorflow-ic-imagenet-mobilenet-v1-050-224-classification-4
139. Image Classification Tensorflow Same Model ID: tensorflow-ic-imagenet-mobilenet-v1-050-192-classification-4
140. Image Classification Tensorflow Same Model ID: tensorflow-ic-imagenet-mobilenet-v1-050-160-classification-4
141. Image Classification Tensorflow Same Model ID: tensorflow-ic-imagenet-mobilenet-v1-050-128-classification-4
142. Image Classification Tensorflow Same Model ID: tensorflow-ic-imagenet-mobilenet-v1-025-224-classification-4
143. Image Classification Tensorflow Same Model ID: tensorflow-ic-imagenet-mobilenet-v1-025-192-classification-4
144. Image Classification Tensorflow Same Model ID: tensorflow-ic-imagenet-mobilenet-v1-025-160-classification-4
145. Image Classification Tensorflow Same Model ID: tensorflow-ic-imagenet-mobilenet-v1-025-128-classification-4
146. Image Classification Tensorflow Same Model ID: tensorflow-ic-bit-s-r50x1-ilsvrc2012-classification-1
147. Image Classification Tensorflow Same Model ID: tensorflow-ic-bit-s-r50x3-ilsvrc2012-classification-1
148. Image Classification Tensorflow Same Model ID: tensorflow-ic-bit-s-r101x1-ilsvrc2012-classification-1
149. Image Classification Tensorflow Same Model ID: tensorflow-ic-bit-s-r101x3-ilsvrc2012-classification-1
150. Image Classification Tensorflow Same Model ID: tensorflow-ic-bit-m-r50x1-ilsvrc2012-classification-1
151. Image Classification Tensorflow Same Model ID: tensorflow-ic-bit-m-r50x3-ilsvrc2012-classification-1
152. Image Classification Tensorflow Same Model ID: tensorflow-ic-bit-m-r101x1-ilsvrc2012-classification-1
153. Image Classification Tensorflow Same Model ID: tensorflow-ic-bit-m-r101x3-ilsvrc2012-classification-1
154. Image Classification Tensorflow Same Model ID: tensorflow-ic-bit-m-r50x1-imagenet21k-classification-1
155. Image Classification Tensorflow Same Model ID: tensorflow-ic-bit-m-r50x3-imagenet21k-classification-1
156. Image Classification Tensorflow Same Model ID: tensorflow-ic-bit-m-r101x1-imagenet21k-classification-1
157. Image Classification Tensorflow Same Model ID: tensorflow-ic-bit-m-r101x3-imagenet21k-classification-1
158. Image Classification Pytorch Same Model ID: pytorch-ic-alexnet
159. Image Classification Pytorch Same Model ID: pytorch-ic-densenet121
160. Image Classification Pytorch Same Model ID: pytorch-ic-densenet169
161. Image Classification Pytorch Same Model ID: pytorch-ic-densenet201
162. Image Classification Pytorch Same Model ID: pytorch-ic-densenet161
163. Image Classification Pytorch Same Model ID: pytorch-ic-resnext50-32x4d
164. Image Classification Pytorch Same Model ID: pytorch-ic-resnext101-32x8d
165. Image Classification Pytorch Same Model ID: pytorch-ic-shufflenet-v2-x1-0
166. Image Classification Pytorch Same Model ID: pytorch-ic-squeezenet1-0
167. Image Classification Pytorch Same Model ID: pytorch-ic-squeezenet1-1
168. Image Classification Pytorch Same Model ID: pytorch-ic-vgg11
169. Image Classification Pytorch Same Model ID: pytorch-ic-vgg11-bn
170. Image Classification Pytorch Same Model ID: pytorch-ic-vgg13
171. Image Classification Pytorch Same Model ID: pytorch-ic-vgg13-bn
172. Image Classification Pytorch Same Model ID: pytorch-ic-vgg16
173. Image Classification Pytorch Same Model ID: pytorch-ic-vgg16-bn
174. Image Classification Pytorch Same Model ID: pytorch-ic-vgg19
175. Image Classification Pytorch Same Model ID: pytorch-ic-vgg19-bn
176. Image Classification Pytorch Same Model ID: pytorch-ic-wide-resnet50-2
177. Image Classification Pytorch Same Model ID: pytorch-ic-wide-resnet101-2
178. Image Classification Pytorch Same Model ID: pytorch-ic-googlenet
179. Object Detection Mxnet This is an object detection model from Gluon CV It takes an image as input and returns bounding boxes for the objects in the image Model ID: mxnet-od-ssd-512-vgg16-atrous-coco
180. Object Detection Mxnet Same Model ID: mxnet-od-ssd-512-vgg16-atrous-voc
181. Object Detection Mxnet Same Model ID: mxnet-od-yolo3-darknet53-voc
182. Object Detection Mxnet Same Model ID: mxnet-od-yolo3-mobilenet1-0-voc
183. Object Detection Mxnet Same Model ID: mxnet-od-yolo3-darknet53-coco
184. Object Detection Mxnet Same Model ID: mxnet-od-yolo3-mobilenet1-0-coco
185. Object Detection Mxnet Same Model ID: mxnet-od-faster-rcnn-resnet50-v1b-voc
186. Object Detection Mxnet Same Model ID: mxnet-od-faster-rcnn-resnet50-v1b-coco
187. Object Detection Mxnet Same Model ID: mxnet-od-faster-rcnn-resnet101-v1d-coco
188. Object Detection Mxnet Same Model ID: mxnet-od-faster-rcnn-fpn-resnet50-v1b-coco
189. Object Detection Mxnet Same Model ID: mxnet-od-faster-rcnn-fpn-resnet101-v1d-coco
190. Object Detection Tensorflow Same Model ID: tensorflow-od1-ssd-mobilenet-v2-fpnlite-320x320-coco17-tpu-8
191. Object Detection Tensorflow Same Model ID: tensorflow-od1-ssd-mobilenet-v2-fpnlite-640x640-coco17-tpu-8
192. Object Detection Tensorflow Same Model ID: tensorflow-od1-ssd-resnet50-v1-fpn-1024x1024-coco17-tpu-8
193. Object Detection Tensorflow Same Model ID: tensorflow-od1-ssd-resnet101-v1-fpn-640x640-coco17-tpu-8
194. Object Detection Tensorflow Same Model ID: tensorflow-od1-ssd-resnet101-v1-fpn-1024x1024-coco17-tpu-8
195. Object Detection Tensorflow Same Model ID: tensorflow-od1-ssd-resnet152-v1-fpn-640x640-coco17-tpu-8
196. Object Detection Tensorflow Same Model ID: tensorflow-od1-ssd-resnet152-v1-fpn-1024x1024-coco17-tpu-8
197. Image Embedding Tensorflow This is an Image Feature Vector model from TensorFlow Hub It takes an image as input and returns a feature vector (embedding) of the image Model ID: tensorflow-icembedding-imagenet-inception-v3-featurevector-4
198. Image Embedding Tensorflow Same Model ID: tensorflow-icembedding-imagenet-inception-v2-featurevector-4
199. Image Embedding Tensorflow Same Model ID: tensorflow-icembedding-imagenet-inception-v1-featurevector-4
200. Image Embedding Tensorflow Same Model ID: tensorflow-icembedding-tf2-preview-inception-v3-featurevector-4
201. Image Embedding Tensorflow Same Model ID: tensorflow-icembedding-tf2-preview-mobilenet-v2-featurevector-4
202. Image Embedding Tensorflow Same Model ID: tensorflow-icembedding-imagenet-resnet-v2-50-featurevector-4
203. Image Embedding Tensorflow Same Model ID: tensorflow-icembedding-imagenet-resnet-v2-101-featurevector-4
204. Image Embedding Tensorflow Same Model ID: tensorflow-icembedding-imagenet-resnet-v2-152-featurevector-4
205. Image Embedding Tensorflow Same Model ID: tensorflow-icembedding-imagenet-resnet-v1-50-featurevector-4
206. Image Embedding Tensorflow Same Model ID: tensorflow-icembedding-imagenet-resnet-v1-101-featurevector-4
207. Image Embedding Tensorflow Same Model ID: tensorflow-icembedding-imagenet-resnet-v1-152-featurevector-4
208. Image Embedding Tensorflow Same Model ID: tensorflow-icembedding-resnet-50-featurevector-1
209. Image Embedding Tensorflow Same Model ID: tensorflow-icembedding-efficientnet-b0-featurevector-1
210. Image Embedding Tensorflow Same Model ID: tensorflow-icembedding-efficientnet-b1-featurevector-1
211. Image Embedding Tensorflow Same Model ID: tensorflow-icembedding-efficientnet-b2-featurevector-1
212. Image Embedding Tensorflow Same Model ID: tensorflow-icembedding-efficientnet-b3-featurevector-1
213. Image Embedding Tensorflow Same Model ID: tensorflow-icembedding-efficientnet-b6-featurevector-1
214. Image Embedding Tensorflow Same Model ID: tensorflow-icembedding-efficientnet-lite0-featurevector-2
215. Image Embedding Tensorflow Same Model ID: tensorflow-icembedding-efficientnet-lite1-featurevector-2
216. Image Embedding Tensorflow Same Model ID: tensorflow-icembedding-efficientnet-lite2-featurevector-2
217. Image Embedding Tensorflow Same Model ID: tensorflow-icembedding-efficientnet-lite3-featurevector-2
218. Image Embedding Tensorflow Same Model ID: tensorflow-icembedding-efficientnet-lite4-featurevector-2
219. Image Embedding Tensorflow Same Model ID: tensorflow-icembedding-imagenet-mobilenet-v1-100-224-featurevector-4
220. Image Embedding Tensorflow Same Model ID: tensorflow-icembedding-imagenet-mobilenet-v1-100-192-featurevector-4
221. Image Embedding Tensorflow Same Model ID: tensorflow-icembedding-imagenet-mobilenet-v1-100-160-featurevector-4
222. Image Embedding Tensorflow Same Model ID: tensorflow-icembedding-imagenet-mobilenet-v1-100-128-featurevector-4
223. Image Embedding Tensorflow Same Model ID: tensorflow-icembedding-imagenet-mobilenet-v1-075-224-featurevector-4
224. Image Embedding Tensorflow Same Model ID: tensorflow-icembedding-imagenet-mobilenet-v1-075-192-featurevector-4
225. Image Embedding Tensorflow Same Model ID: tensorflow-icembedding-imagenet-mobilenet-v1-075-160-featurevector-4
226. Image Embedding Tensorflow Same Model ID: tensorflow-icembedding-imagenet-mobilenet-v1-075-128-featurevector-4
227. Image Embedding Tensorflow Same Model ID: tensorflow-icembedding-imagenet-mobilenet-v1-050-224-featurevector-4
228. Image Embedding Tensorflow Same Model ID: tensorflow-icembedding-imagenet-mobilenet-v1-050-192-featurevector-4
229. Image Embedding Tensorflow Same Model ID: tensorflow-icembedding-imagenet-mobilenet-v1-050-160-featurevector-4
230. Image Embedding Tensorflow Same Model ID: tensorflow-icembedding-imagenet-mobilenet-v1-050-128-featurevector-4
231. Image Embedding Tensorflow Same Model ID: tensorflow-icembedding-imagenet-mobilenet-v1-025-224-featurevector-4
232. Image Embedding Tensorflow Same Model ID: tensorflow-icembedding-imagenet-mobilenet-v1-025-192-featurevector-4
233. Image Embedding Tensorflow Same Model ID: tensorflow-icembedding-imagenet-mobilenet-v1-025-160-featurevector-4
234. Image Embedding Tensorflow Same Model ID: tensorflow-icembedding-imagenet-mobilenet-v1-025-128-featurevector-4
235. Image Embedding Tensorflow Same Model ID: tensorflow-icembedding-bit-s-r50x1-ilsvrc2012-featurevector-1
236. Image Embedding Tensorflow Same Model ID: tensorflow-icembedding-bit-s-r50x3-ilsvrc2012-featurevector-1
237. Image Embedding Tensorflow Same Model ID: tensorflow-icembedding-bit-s-r101x1-ilsvrc2012-featurevector-1
238. Image Embedding Tensorflow Same Model ID: tensorflow-icembedding-bit-s-r101x3-ilsvrc2012-featurevector-1
239. Image Embedding Tensorflow Same Model ID: tensorflow-icembedding-bit-m-r50x1-ilsvrc2012-featurevector-1
240. Image Embedding Tensorflow Same Model ID: tensorflow-icembedding-bit-m-r50x3-imagenet21k-featurevector-1
241. Image Embedding Tensorflow Same Model ID: tensorflow-icembedding-bit-m-r101x1-ilsvrc2012-featurevector-1
242. Image Embedding Tensorflow Same Model ID: tensorflow-icembedding-bit-m-r101x3-imagenet21k-featurevector-1
243. Object Detection Tensorflow This is an object detection model from TensorFlow Hub It takes an image as input and returns bounding boxes for the objects in the image Model ID: tensorflow-od-faster-rcnn-resnet50-v1-1024x1024-1
244. Object Detection Tensorflow Same Model ID: tensorflow-od-faster-rcnn-resnet101-v1-640x640-1
245. Object Detection Tensorflow Same Model ID: tensorflow-od-faster-rcnn-resnet101-v1-800x1333-1
246. Object Detection Tensorflow Same Model ID: tensorflow-od-faster-rcnn-resnet101-v1-1024x1024-1
247. Object Detection Tensorflow Same Model ID: tensorflow-od-faster-rcnn-resnet152-v1-640x640-1
248. Object Detection Tensorflow Same Model ID: tensorflow-od-faster-rcnn-resnet152-v1-800x1333-1
249. Object Detection Tensorflow Same Model ID: tensorflow-od-faster-rcnn-resnet152-v1-1024x1024-1
250. Object Detection Tensorflow Same Model ID: tensorflow-od-faster-rcnn-inception-resnet-v2-640x640-1
251. Object Detection Tensorflow Same Model ID: tensorflow-od-faster-rcnn-inception-resnet-v2-1024x1024-1
252. Object Detection Tensorflow Same Model ID: tensorflow-od-efficientdet-d0-1
253. Object Detection Tensorflow Same Model ID: tensorflow-od-efficientdet-d1-1
254. Object Detection Tensorflow Same Model ID: tensorflow-od-efficientdet-d2-1
255. Object Detection Tensorflow Same Model ID: tensorflow-od-efficientdet-d3-1
256. Object Detection Tensorflow Same Model ID: tensorflow-od-efficientdet-d4-1
257. Object Detection Tensorflow Same Model ID: tensorflow-od-efficientdet-d5-1
258. Object Detection Tensorflow Same Model ID: tensorflow-od-retinanet-resnet50-v1-fpn-640x640-1
259. Object Detection Tensorflow Same Model ID: tensorflow-od-retinanet-resnet50-v1-fpn-1024x1024-1
260. Object Detection Tensorflow Same Model ID: tensorflow-od-retinanet-resnet101-v1-fpn-640x640-1
261. Object Detection Tensorflow Same Model ID: tensorflow-od-retinanet-resnet101-v1-fpn-1024x1024-1
262. Object Detection Tensorflow Same Model ID: tensorflow-od-retinanet-resnet152-v1-fpn-640x640-1
263. Object Detection Tensorflow Same Model ID: tensorflow-od-retinanet-resnet152-v1-fpn-1024x1024-1
264. Object Detection Tensorflow Same Model ID: tensorflow-od-centernet-hourglass-512x512-1
265. Object Detection Tensorflow Same Model ID: tensorflow-od-centernet-hourglass-512x512-kpts-1
266. Object Detection Tensorflow Same Model ID: tensorflow-od-centernet-hourglass-1024x1024-1
267. Object Detection Tensorflow Same Model ID: tensorflow-od-centernet-hourglass-1024x1024-kpts-1
268. Object Detection Tensorflow Same Model ID: tensorflow-od-centernet-resnet50v1-fpn-512x512-1
269. Object Detection Tensorflow Same Model ID: tensorflow-od-centernet-resnet50v1-fpn-512x512-kpts-1
270. Object Detection Tensorflow Same Model ID: tensorflow-od-centernet-resnet50v2-512x512-1
271. Object Detection Tensorflow Same Model ID: tensorflow-od-centernet-resnet50v2-512x512-kpts-1
272. Object Detection Tensorflow Same Model ID: tensorflow-od-centernet-resnet101v1-fpn-512x512-1
273. Text Classification Tensorflow This is a Text Classification model built upon a Text Embedding model from TensorFlow Hub It takes a text string as input and classifies the input text as either a positive or negative movie review Model ID: tensorflow-tc-bert-en-cased-L-12-H-768-A-12-2
274. Text Classification Tensorflow Same Model ID: tensorflow-tc-bert-multi-cased-L-12-H-768-A-12-2
275. Text Classification Tensorflow Same Model ID: tensorflow-tc-small-bert-bert-en-uncased-L-2-H-128-A-2
276. Text Classification Tensorflow Same Model ID: tensorflow-tc-small-bert-bert-en-uncased-L-2-H-256-A-4
277. Text Classification Tensorflow Same Model ID: tensorflow-tc-small-bert-bert-en-uncased-L-2-H-512-A-8
278. Question Answering Huggingface This is an Extractive Question Answering model built on a Transformer model from Hugging Face It takes two strings as inputs: the first string is a question and the second string is the context or any text you want to use to find the answer of the question, and it returns a sub-string from the context as an answer to the question Model ID: huggingface-eqa-distilbert-base-cased
279. Question Answering Huggingface Same Model ID: huggingface-eqa-distilbert-base-multilingual-cased
280. Question Answering Huggingface Same Model ID: huggingface-eqa-bert-base-uncased
281. Question Answering Huggingface Same Model ID: huggingface-eqa-bert-base-cased
282. Question Answering Huggingface Same Model ID: huggingface-eqa-bert-base-multilingual-uncased
283. Sentence Pair Classification Tensorflow This is a Sentence Pair Classification model built upon a Text Embedding model from TensorFlow Hub It takes a pair of sentences as input and classifies the input pair to ‘entailment’ or ‘no-entailment’ Model ID: tensorflow-spc-bert-en-cased-L-12-H-768-A-12-2
284. Sentence Pair Classification Tensorflow Same Model ID: tensorflow-spc-bert-multi-cased-L-12-H-768-A-12-2
285. Sentence Pair Classification Tensorflow Same Model ID: tensorflow-spc-bert-en-uncased-L-24-H-1024-A-16-2
286. Sentence Pair Classification Tensorflow Same Model ID: tensorflow-spc-electra-small-1
287. Sentence Pair Classification Tensorflow Same Model ID: tensorflow-spc-electra-base-1
288. Sentence Pair Classification Huggingface Same Model ID: huggingface-spc-distilbert-base-cased
289. Sentence Pair Classification Huggingface Same Model ID: huggingface-spc-distilbert-base-multilingual-cased
290. Sentence Pair Classification Huggingface Same Model ID: huggingface-spc-bert-base-uncased
291. Sentence Pair Classification Huggingface Same Model ID: huggingface-spc-bert-base-cased
292. Sentence Pair Classification Huggingface Same Model ID: huggingface-spc-bert-base-multilingual-uncased
293. Named Entity Recognition Huggingface This is a Named Entity Generation model built upon a Transformer model from Hugging Face It takes a text string as input and predicts named entities in the input text Model ID: huggingface-ner-distilbert-base-uncased-finetuned-conll03-english
294. Text Generation Huggingface Same Model ID: huggingface-textgeneration-bloom-1b1
295. Text Generation Huggingface Same Model ID: huggingface-textgeneration-bloom-560m
296. Text Generation Huggingface Same Model ID: huggingface-textgeneration-gpt2
297. Text Generation Huggingface Same Model ID: huggingface-textgeneration-distilgpt2
298. Text Summarization Huggingface This is a Text Summarization model built upon a Transformer model from Hugging Face It takes a text string as input and returns a summary of the text Model ID: huggingface-summarization-bert-small2bert-small-finetuned-cnn-daily-mail-summarization
299. Text Summarization Huggingface Same Model ID: huggingface-summarization-distilbart-cnn-6-6
300. Text Summarization Huggingface Same Model ID: huggingface-summarization-distilbart-xsum-12-3
301. Text Summarization Huggingface Same Model ID: huggingface-summarization-distilbart-cnn-12-6
302. Text Summarization Huggingface Same Model ID: huggingface-summarization-bart-large-cnn-samsum
303. Machine Translation Huggingface This is a Machine Translation model built upon a Transformer model from Hugging Face It takes a text string as input and predicts its translation Model ID: huggingface-translation-t5-base
304. Machine Translation Huggingface Same Model ID: huggingface-translation-t5-large
305. Machine Translation Huggingface Same Model ID: huggingface-translation-opus-mt-en-es
306. Machine Translation Huggingface Same Model ID: huggingface-translation-opus-mt-en-vi
307. Text Embedding Tensorflow This is a Text Embedding model from TensorFlow Hub It takes a text string as input and outputs an embedding vector The Text Embedding model is pre-trained on Wikipedia and BookCorpus datasets Model ID: tensorflow-tcembedding-bert-en-uncased-L-2-H-256-A-4
308. Text Embedding Tensorflow same Model ID: tensorflow-tcembedding-bert-en-uncased-L-2-H-512-A-8-2
309. Text Embedding Tensorflow same Model ID: tensorflow-tcembedding-bert-en-uncased-L-2-H-768-A-12-2
310. Text to Image Stabilityai This is a text-to-image model from Stability AI and downloaded from HuggingFace It takes a textual description as input and returns a generated image from the description Model ID: model-txt2img-stabilityai-stable-diffusion-v2
311. Text Embedding Tensorflow This is a Text Embedding model from TensorFlow Hub It takes a text string as input and outputs an embedding vector The Text Embedding model is pre-trained on Wikipedia and BookCorpus datasets Model ID: tensorflow-tcembedding-bert-en-uncased-L-4-H-128-A-2-2
312. Text Embedding Tensorflow Same Model ID: tensorflow-tcembedding-bert-en-uncased-L-4-H-256-A-4-2
313. Text Embedding Mxnet Same Model ID: mxnet-tcembedding-robertafin-base-wiki-uncased
314. Text Embedding Mxnet Same Model ID: mxnet-tcembedding-robertafin-large-uncased
315. Text Embedding Mxnet Same Model ID: mxnet-tcembedding-robertafin-large-wiki-uncased
316. Text Classification Tensorflow This is a Text Classification model built upon a Text Embedding model from TensorFlow Hub It takes a text string as input and classifies the input text as either a positive or negative movie review Model ID: tensorflow-tc-small-bert-bert-en-uncased-L-2-H-768-A-12
317. Text Classification Tensorflow Same as above Model ID: tensorflow-tc-small-bert-bert-en-uncased-L-4-H-128-A-2
318. Text Classification Tensorflow Same as above Model ID: tensorflow-tc-small-bert-bert-en-uncased-L-4-H-256-A-4
319. Text Classification Tensorflow Same as above Model ID: tensorflow-tc-small-bert-bert-en-uncased-L-4-H-512-A-8
320. Text Classification Tensorflow Same as above Model ID: tensorflow-tc-small-bert-bert-en-uncased-L-4-H-768-A-12
321. Text Classification Tensorflow Same as above Model ID: tensorflow-tc-small-bert-bert-en-uncased-L-6-H-128-A-2
322. Text Classification Tensorflow Same as above Model ID: tensorflow-tc-small-bert-bert-en-uncased-L-6-H-256-A-4
323. Text Classification Tensorflow Same as above Model ID: tensorflow-tc-small-bert-bert-en-uncased-L-6-H-512-A-8
324. Text Classification Tensorflow Same as above Model ID: tensorflow-tc-small-bert-bert-en-uncased-L-6-H-768-A-12
325. Text Classification Tensorflow Same as above Model ID: tensorflow-tc-small-bert-bert-en-uncased-L-8-H-128-A-2
326. Text Classification Tensorflow Same as above Model ID: tensorflow-tc-small-bert-bert-en-uncased-L-8-H-256-A-4
327. Text Classification Tensorflow Same as above Model ID: tensorflow-tc-small-bert-bert-en-uncased-L-8-H-512-A-8
328. Text Classification Tensorflow Same as above Model ID: tensorflow-tc-small-bert-bert-en-uncased-L-8-H-768-A-12
329. Text Classification Tensorflow Same as above Model ID: tensorflow-tc-small-bert-bert-en-uncased-L-10-H-128-A-2
330. Text Classification Tensorflow Same as above Model ID: tensorflow-tc-small-bert-bert-en-uncased-L-10-H-256-A-4
331. Text Classification Tensorflow Same as above Model ID: tensorflow-tc-small-bert-bert-en-uncased-L-10-H-512-A-8
332. Text Classification Tensorflow Same as above Model ID: tensorflow-tc-small-bert-bert-en-uncased-L-10-H-768-A-12
333. Text Classification Tensorflow Same as above Model ID: tensorflow-tc-small-bert-bert-en-uncased-L-12-H-128-A-2
334. Text Classification Tensorflow Same as above Model ID: tensorflow-tc-small-bert-bert-en-uncased-L-12-H-256-A-4
335. Text Classification Tensorflow Same as above Model ID: tensorflow-tc-small-bert-bert-en-uncased-L-12-H-512-A-8
336. Text Classification Tensorflow Same as above Model ID: tensorflow-tc-small-bert-bert-en-uncased-L-12-H-768-A-12
337. Text Classification Tensorflow Same as above Model ID: tensorflow-tc-bert-en-uncased-L-24-H-1024-A-16-2
338. Text Classification Tensorflow Same as above Model ID: tensorflow-tc-bert-en-cased-L-24-H-1024-A-16-2
339. Text Classification Tensorflow Same as above Model ID: tensorflow-tc-bert-en-wwm-uncased-L-24-H-1024-A-16-2
340. Text Classification Tensorflow Same as above Model ID: tensorflow-tc-bert-en-wwm-cased-L-24-H-1024-A-16-2
341. Text Classification Tensorflow Same as above Model ID: tensorflow-tc-albert-en-base
342. Text Classification Tensorflow Same as above Model ID: tensorflow-tc-electra-small-1
343. Text Classification Tensorflow Same as above Model ID: tensorflow-tc-electra-base-1
344. Text Classification Tensorflow Same as above Model ID: tensorflow-tc-experts-bert-wiki-books-1
345. Text Classification Tensorflow Same as above Model ID: tensorflow-tc-experts-bert-pubmed-1
346. Text Classification Tensorflow Same as above Model ID: tensorflow-tc-talking-heads-base
347. Text Classification Tensorflow Same as above Model ID: tensorflow-tc-talking-heads-large
348. Question Answering Huggingface This is an Extractive Question Answering model built on a Transformer model from Hugging Face It takes two strings as inputs: the first string is a question and the second string is the context or any text you want to use to find the answer of the question, and it returns a sub-string from the context as an answer to the question Model ID: huggingface-eqa-bert-base-multilingual-cased
349. Question Answering Huggingface Same as above Model ID: huggingface-eqa-bert-large-uncased
350. Question Answering Huggingface Same as above Model ID: huggingface-eqa-bert-large-cased
351. Question Answering Huggingface Same as above Model ID: huggingface-eqa-bert-large-uncased-whole-word-masking
352. Question Answering Huggingface Same as above Model ID: huggingface-eqa-bert-large-cased-whole-word-masking
353. Question Answering Huggingface Same as above Model ID: huggingface-eqa-distilroberta-base
354. Question Answering Huggingface Same as above Model ID: huggingface-eqa-roberta-base
355. Question Answering Huggingface Same as above Model ID: huggingface-eqa-roberta-base-openai-detector
356. Question Answering Huggingface Same as above Model ID: huggingface-eqa-roberta-large
357. Sentence Pair Classification Tensorflow This is a Sentence Pair Classification model built upon a Text Embedding model from TensorFlow Hub It takes a pair of sentences as input and classifies the input pair to ‘entailment’ or ‘no-entailment’ Model ID: tensorflow-spc-bert-en-wwm-uncased-L-24-H-1024-A-16-2
358. Sentence Pair Classification Tensorflow Same as above Model ID: tensorflow-spc-bert-en-wwm-cased-L-24-H-1024-A-16-2
359. Sentence Pair Classification Tensorflow Same as above Model ID: tensorflow-spc-experts-bert-wiki-books-1
360. Sentence Pair Classification Tensorflow Same as above Model ID: tensorflow-spc-experts-bert-pubmed-1
361. Sentence Pair Classification Huggingface Same as above Model ID: huggingface-spc-bert-base-multilingual-cased
362. Sentence Pair Classification Huggingface Same as above Model ID: huggingface-spc-bert-large-uncased
363. Sentence Pair Classification Huggingface Same as above Model ID: huggingface-spc-bert-large-cased
364. Sentence Pair Classification Huggingface Same as above Model ID: huggingface-spc-bert-large-uncased-whole-word-masking
365. Sentence Pair Classification Huggingface Same as above Model ID: huggingface-spc-bert-large-cased-whole-word-masking
366. Sentence Pair Classification Huggingface Same as above Model ID: huggingface-spc-distilroberta-base
367. Sentence Pair Classification Huggingface Same as above Model ID: huggingface-spc-roberta-base
368. Sentence Pair Classification Huggingface Same as above Model ID: huggingface-spc-roberta-base-openai-detector
369. Sentence Pair Classification Huggingface Same as above Model ID: huggingface-spc-roberta-large
370. Sentence Pair Classification Huggingface Same as above Model ID: huggingface-spc-roberta-large-openai-detector
371. Sentence Pair Classification Huggingface Same as above Model ID: huggingface-spc-xlm-mlm-ende-1024
372. Sentence Pair Classification Huggingface Same as above Model ID: huggingface-spc-xlm-mlm-enro-1024
373. Sentence Pair Classification Huggingface Same as above Model ID: huggingface-spc-xlm-mlm-xnli15-1024
374. Sentence Pair Classification Huggingface Same as above Model ID: huggingface-spc-xlm-mlm-tlm-xnli15-1024
375. Sentence Pair Classification Huggingface Same as above Model ID: huggingface-spc-xlm-clm-ende-1024
376. Text Summarization Huggingface This is a Text Summarization model built upon a Transformer model from Hugging Face It takes a text string as input and returns a summary of the text Model ID: huggingface-summarization-bigbird-pegasus-large-arxiv
377. Text Summarization Huggingface Same as above Model ID: huggingface-summarization-bigbird-pegasus-large-pubmed
378. Text Embedding Tensorflow This is a Text Embedding model from TensorFlow Hub It takes a text string as input and outputs an embedding vector The Text Embedding model is pre-trained on Wikipedia and BookCorpus datasets Model ID: tensorflow-tcembedding-bert-en-uncased-L-4-H-512-A-8-2
379. Text Embedding Tensorflow Same as above Model ID: tensorflow-tcembedding-bert-en-uncased-L-4-H-768-A-12-2
380. Text Embedding Tensorflow Same as above Model ID: tensorflow-tcembedding-bert-en-uncased-L-6-H-128-A-2-2
381. Text Embedding Tensorflow Same as above Model ID: tensorflow-tcembedding-bert-en-uncased-L-6-H-256-A-4
382. Text Embedding Tensorflow Same as above Model ID: tensorflow-tcembedding-bert-en-uncased-L-6-H-512-A-8-2
383. Text Embedding Tensorflow Same as above Model ID: tensorflow-tcembedding-bert-en-uncased-L-6-H-768-A-12-2
384. Text Embedding Tensorflow Same as above Model ID: tensorflow-tcembedding-bert-en-uncased-L-8-H-256-A-4-2
385. Text Embedding Tensorflow Same as above Model ID: tensorflow-tcembedding-bert-en-uncased-L-8-H-512-A-8-2
386. Text Embedding Tensorflow Same as above Model ID: tensorflow-tcembedding-bert-en-uncased-L-8-H-768-A-12-2
387. Text Embedding Tensorflow Same as above Model ID: tensorflow-tcembedding-bert-en-uncased-L-10-H-128-A-2-2
388. Text Embedding Tensorflow Same as above Model ID: tensorflow-tcembedding-bert-en-uncased-L-10-H-256-A-4-2
389. Text Embedding Tensorflow Same as above Model ID: tensorflow-tcembedding-bert-en-uncased-L-10-H-512-A-8-2
390. Text Embedding Tensorflow Same as above Model ID: tensorflow-tcembedding-bert-en-uncased-L-10-H-768-A-12-2
391. Text Embedding Tensorflow Same as above Model ID: tensorflow-tcembedding-bert-en-uncased-L-12-H-128-A-2-2
392. Text Embedding Tensorflow Same as above Model ID: tensorflow-tcembedding-bert-en-uncased-L-12-H-256-A-4
393. Text Embedding Tensorflow Same as above Model ID: tensorflow-tcembedding-bert-en-uncased-L-12-H-512-A-8-2
394. Text Embedding Tensorflow Same as above Model ID: tensorflow-tcembedding-bert-en-uncased-L-12-H-768-A-12-2
395. Text Embedding Tensorflow Same as above Model ID: tensorflow-tcembedding-bert-en-uncased-L-12-H-768-A-12-4
396. Text Embedding Tensorflow Same as above Model ID: tensorflow-tcembedding-bert-wiki-books-sst2
397. Text Embedding Tensorflow Same as above Model ID: tensorflow-tcembedding-bert-wiki-books-mnli-2
398. Text Embedding Tensorflow Same as above Model ID: tensorflow-tcembedding-universal-sentence-encoder-cmlm-en-large-1
399. Text Embedding Tensorflow Same as above Model ID: tensorflow-tcembedding-universal-sentence-encoder-cmlm-en-base-1
400. Text Embedding Tensorflow Same as above Model ID: tensorflow-tcembedding-talkheads-ggelu-bert-en-base-2
401. Text Embedding Tensorflow Same as above Model ID: tensorflow-tcembedding-talkheads-ggelu-bert-en-large-2
402. Tabular Classification   This is the LightGBM algorithm for tabular classification task LightGBM is a gradient boosting framework that uses tree based learning algorithms Model ID: lightgbm-classification-model
403. Tabular Classification Catboost This is the CatBoost algorithm for tabular classification task CatBoost is a machine learning algorithm that uses gradient boosting on decision trees Model ID: catboost-classification-model
404. Tabular Classification   This is the AutoGluon-Tabular algorithm for tabular classification task AutoGluon-Tabular is an open-source AutoML framework that trains highly accurate machine learning models on an unprocessed tabular dataset Unlike existing AutoML frameworks that primarily focus on model/hyperparameter selection, AutoGluon-Tabular succeeds by ensembling multiple models and stacking them in multiple layers Model ID: autogluon-classification-ensemble
405. Tabular Classification   This is the TabTransformer algorithm for tabular classification task TabTransformer is a deep tabular data modeling architecture that built upon self-attention based Transformers Model ID: pytorch-tabtransformerclassification-model
406. Tabular Classification Sklearn This is the scikit-learn linear algorithm for tabular classification task Linear Classification is a linear approach to classify data into labels (targets) based on a linear combination of its input features (predictors) Model ID: sklearn-classification-linear
407. Tabular Classification Xgboost This is the XGBoost algorithm for tabular classification task XGBoost is an optimized distributed gradient boosting library designed to be highly efficient, flexible and portable It implements machine learning algorithms under the Gradient Boosting framework Model ID: xgboost-classification-model
408. Tabular Regression   This is the LightGBM algorithm for tabular regression task LightGBM is a gradient boosting framework that uses tree based learning algorithms Model ID: lightgbm-regression-model
409. Tabular Regression Catboost This is the CatBoost algorithm for tabular regression task CatBoost is a machine learning algorithm that uses gradient boosting on decision trees Model ID: catboost-regression-model
410. Tabular Regression   This is the AutoGluon-Tabular algorithm for tabular regression task AutoGluon-Tabular is an open-source AutoML framework that trains highly accurate machine learning models on an unprocessed tabular dataset Unlike existing AutoML frameworks that primarily focus on model/hyperparameter selection, AutoGluon-Tabular succeeds by ensembling multiple models and stacking them in multiple layers Model ID: autogluon-regression-ensemble
411. Tabular Regression   This is the TabTransformer algorithm for tabular regression task TabTransformer is a deep tabular data modeling architecture that built upon self-attention based Transformers Model ID: pytorch-tabtransformerregression-model
412. Tabular Regression Sklearn This is the scikit-learn linear algorithm for tabular regression task Linear Regression is a linear approach for modelling the relationship between a scalar response and one or more explanatory variables Model ID: sklearn-regression-linear
413. Tabular Regression Xgboost This is the XGBoost algorithm for tabular regression task XGBoost is an optimized distributed gradient boosting library designed to be highly efficient, flexible and portable It implements machine learning algorithms under the Gradient Boosting framework Model ID: xgboost-regression-model
414. Question Answering Pytorch This is a Extractive Question Answering model built upon a Text Embedding model from PyTorch Hub It takes as input a pair of question-context strings, and returns a sub-string from the context as a answer to the question Model ID: pytorch-eqa-distilbert-base-uncased
415. Question Answering Pytorch Same as above Model ID: pytorch-eqa-bert-large-uncased-whole-word-masking
416. Question Answering Pytorch Same as above Model ID: pytorch-eqa-bert-large-uncased
417. Question Answering Pytorch Same as above Model ID: pytorch-eqa-bert-large-cased
418. Question Answering Pytorch Same as above Model ID: pytorch-eqa-roberta-base
419. Question Answering Pytorch Same as above Model ID: pytorch-eqa-distilbert-base-multilingual-cased
420. Object detection SageMaker Identify birds species in a scene using a SageMaker object detection model.  
421. Question Answering Pytorch This is a Extractive Question Answering model built upon a Text Embedding model from PyTorch Hub It takes as input a pair of question-context strings, and returns a sub-string from the context as a answer to the question Model ID: pytorch-eqa-distilroberta-base
422. Audio Embedding Tensorflow This is an audio embedding model from Tensorflow Hub It takes a wav (audio file format) file as input and outputs an embedding vector Model ID: tensorflow-audioembedding-trill-distilled-3
423. Question Answering Pytorch This is a Extractive Question Answering model built upon a Text Embedding model from PyTorch Hub It takes as input a pair of question-context strings, and returns a sub-string from the context as a answer to the question Model ID: pytorch-eqa-roberta-large-openai-detector
424. Object detection SageMaker Identify defective regions in product images either by training an object detection model from scratch or fine-tuning pretrained SageMaker models.  
425. Audio Embedding Tensorflow This is an audio embedding model from Tensorflow Hub It takes a wav (audio file format) file as input and outputs an embedding vector Model ID: tensorflow-audioembedding-trillsson2-1
426. Tabular classification SageMaker Automatically detect potentially fraudulent activity in transactions using SageMaker XGBoost with the over-sampling technique Synthetic Minority Over-sampling (SMOTE).  
427. Feature importance using shap SageMaker    
428. Question Answering Pytorch This is a Extractive Question Answering model built upon a Text Embedding model from PyTorch Hub It takes as input a pair of question-context strings, and returns a sub-string from the context as a answer to the question Model ID: pytorch-eqa-distilbert-base-cased
429. Graph neural network classification SageMaker Detect fraud in financial transactions by training a graph convolutional network with the deep graph library and a SageMaker XGBoost model.  
430. Tabular classification SageMaker Classify financial payments based on transaction information using SageMaker XGBoost. Use this solution template as an intermediate step in fraud detection, personalization, or anomaly detection.  
431. Tabular classification SageMaker Identify unhappy mobile phone customers using SageMaker XGBoost.  
432. Question Answering Pytorch This is a Extractive Question Answering model built upon a Text Embedding model from PyTorch Hub It takes as input a pair of question-context strings, and returns a sub-string from the context as a answer to the question Model ID: pytorch-eqa-bert-base-cased
433. RL SageMaker Distributed reinforcement learning starter kit for NeurIPS 2020 Procgen Reinforcement learning challenge.  
434. Question Answering Pytorch This is a Extractive Question Answering model built upon a Text Embedding model from PyTorch Hub It takes as input a pair of question-context strings, and returns a sub-string from the context as a answer to the question Model ID: pytorch-eqa-bert-large-cased-whole-word-masking-finetuned-squad
435. Tabular classification SageMaker    
436. RL SageMaker    
437. Entity resolution SageMaker    
438. Tabular classification SageMaker    
439. Tabular and text classification SageMaker    
440. Text classification SageMaker Anonymize text to better preserve user privacy in sentiment classification.  
441. Tabular, image, and text classification. SageMaker    
442. Tabular classification SageMaker    
443. Text to Image Stabilityai This is a text-to-image model from Stability AI and downloaded from HuggingFace It takes a textual description as input and returns a generated image from the description Model ID: model-txt2img-stabilityai-stable-diffusion-v2-fp16
444. Text to Image Stabilityai Same Model ID: model-txt2img-stabilityai-stable-diffusion-v1-4-fp16
445. ext to Image Stabilityai Same Model ID: model-txt2img-stabilityai-stable-diffusion-v1-4
446. Question Answering Pytorch This is a Extractive Question Answering model built upon a Text Embedding model from PyTorch Hub It takes as input a pair of question-context strings, and returns a sub-string from the context as a answer to the question Model ID: pytorch-eqa-bert-base-multilingual-cased
447. Question Answering Pytorch This is a Extractive Question Answering model built upon a Text Embedding model from PyTorch Hub It takes as input a pair of question-context strings, and returns a sub-string from the context as a answer to the question Model ID: pytorch-eqa-roberta-large
448. Audio Embedding Tensorflow This is an audio embedding model from Tensorflow Hub It takes a wav (audio file format) file as input and outputs an embedding vector Model ID: tensorflow-audioembedding-frill-1
449. Audio Embedding Tensorflow Same Model ID: tensorflow-audioembedding-trillsson3-1
450. Audio Embedding Tensorflow Same Model ID: tensorflow-audioembedding-trill-3
451. Tabular and text classification SageMaker    
452. Question Answering Pytorch This is a Extractive Question Answering model built upon a Text Embedding model from PyTorch Hub It takes as input a pair of question-context strings, and returns a sub-string from the context as a answer to the question Model ID: pytorch-eqa-roberta-base-openai-detector
453. Question Answering Pytorch Same Model ID: pytorch-eqa-bert-large-cased-whole-word-masking
454. Time series SageMaker Demand forecasting for multivariate time series data using three state-of-the-art time series forecasting algorithms: LSTNet, Prophet, and SageMaker DeepAR.  
455. Question Answering Pytorch This is a Extractive Question Answering model built upon a Text Embedding model from PyTorch Hub It takes as input a pair of question-context strings, and returns a sub-string from the context as a answer to the question Model ID: pytorch-eqa-bert-large-uncased-whole-word-masking-finetuned-squad
456. Question Answering Pytorch Same Model ID: pytorch-eqa-bert-base-multilingual-uncased
457. Question Answering Pytorch Same Model ID: pytorch-eqa-bert-base-uncased
458. Audio Embedding Tensorflow This is an audio embedding model from Tensorflow Hub It takes a wav (audio file format) file as input and outputs an embedding vector Model ID: tensorflow-audioembedding-trillsson1-1
459. Object detection SageMaker    
460. Causal inference SageMaker Generate a counterfactual analysis of corn response to nitrogen. This solution learns the crop phenology cycle in its entirety using multi-spectral satellite imagery and ground-level observations.  
461. Price optimization SageMaker Estimate price elasticity using Double Machine Learning (ML) for causal inference and the Prophet forecasting procedure. Use these estimates to optimize daily prices.  
462. Tabular and text classification SageMaker    
463. Upscaling Stabilityai This is a upscaling model from Stability AI downloaded from HuggingFace with FP16 precision Given a low resolution image and a textual prompt, it generates a higher resolution image with size up to four times the original image size Model ID: model-upscaling-stabilityai-stable-diffusion-x4-upscaler-fp16


  • https://aws.amazon.com/sagemaker/jumpstart/getting-started/

Dr. Hari Thapliyaal


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