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Will AI Replace Human

Artificial Intelligence can Replace Human?

The Success of ChatGPT has taken the world by storm. Unless you are not living in some cave you already know what is happening. People are asking questions like will AI replace humans? What will happen to our jobs? What are the challenges? I thought let me write my thought on this. There was significant overlap between these phases, so don’t assume that when one phase was over then only the second started.

Pre-Industrial Revolution Stages.

  1. In earlier times every day running for food was a must, time changed and humans learned agriculture. So this running and hunting reduced.
  2. Then humans developed better technologies for agriculture and could make food for other people who not afford to go to the agriculture field. This led to thinking, writing, reading, mental development, and the rise of scripture and philosophy.
  3. By this time humans already learned how to live in groups, and do agricultural activities. This led to the rise of enmity between groups. Other groups who do not produce, because they are still hunters but sometimes don’t have anything to eat will attack those places where agricultural produce is available. This led to the rise of politics, social science, ethics, and territories like villages, states, and nations.
  4. Now the time came to accumulate wealth by producing more and selling to others. The concept of currency, economics, commerce, trade, far-distance travel, and shipping came up.

After this, the time of industrial revolution starts.

Industrial Revolution Stages.

  1. The First Industrial Revolution, which began in the late 18th century, marked a significant shift in human history as it marked the transition from manual labor to machine-based manufacturing. It was characterized by the introduction of new technologies such as the steam engine and the power loom. These new technologies enabled the mass production of goods, which led to a significant increase in productivity and economic growth. This, in turn, led to the rise of the middle class and the growth of urban areas as people moved from rural areas to cities in search of work. Rise of the middle class, mass industrial production for all.

  2. The Second Industrial Revolution, which began in the late 19th century, was characterized by the introduction of new technologies such as the internal combustion engine, the telephone, and the telegraph. These new technologies led to the development of new forms of transportation, communication, and energy production. This led to the rise of large corporations and the growth of international trade. It also led to the rise of new industries such as oil, steel, and chemicals. This period saw a significant increase in productivity and economic growth, which led to a significant improvement in living standards for many people.

  3. The Third Industrial Revolution, which began in the mid-20th century, was characterized by the introduction of new technologies such as the computer, the internet, and automation. These new technologies led to the development of new forms of information processing, communication, and manufacturing. This led to the rise of the information economy and the growth of global trade and commerce. It also led to the rise of new industries such as information technology and biotechnology. This period saw a significant increase in productivity and economic growth, which led to a significant improvement in living standards for many people.

  4. The Fourth Industrial Revolution, which is currently ongoing, is characterized by the integration of advanced technologies such as artificial intelligence, the internet of things, and blockchain. These technologies are being used to create new forms of automation, communication, and data analysis. They are leading to the development of new industries, such as smart cities, Industry 4.0, and autonomous vehicles. It is also leading to the rise of new business models, such as the sharing economy and digital platforms. This period is also marked by the rapid development of emerging technologies, such as quantum computing and 5G, which is expected to have a significant impact on the future of humanity.

  5. The Fifth Industrial Revolution will involve the integration of various digital, physical, and biological systems, known as the “cyber-physical systems”. It will have significant changes in computer programming, manufacturing, education, healthcare, security, agriculture, and transportation. Quantum computing could lead to faster and more powerful computing capabilities, while 5G networks could improve connectivity and communication. Biotechnology could lead to new advances in healthcare and medicine, such as personalized medicine and regenerative therapies. It will lead to a cleaner environment, such as reducing energy consumption and increasing the use of clean energy sources. It will bring significant change in the way we live and work.


Your horses, carts, bulls, and stone age tools all are replaced. Because they were less efficient. But this replacement was happening at the physical level. Your new tractor, train, industrial machines, and war machines were not able to think. Humans learned new technologies, some took 10 years and some took generation to learn these technologies and human life became easier. Now new-age replacements are making processes extremely faster and more efficient. New-age machines are able to think and make decisions. Humans are learning these technologies. Because of the nature of these technologies, unlike earlier time a human doesn’t have time to respond so you cannot wait 5 years to learn these. The faster you learn better it is for you. So AI will force humans to unlearn old ways of working and relearn new ways. Thinking AI will not replace humans is foolish. This question is incomplete. What do you mean by replacement? You are in the job market or doing business. Unlike earlier revolutions, this time you have competition with thinking machines, you think better than those, be efficient, don’t show you laid back attitude, don’t hide information from people, and don’t waste your time doing unproductive things. Otherwise, as a businessman I will buy a machine rather than hire a human, as a manager, to prove my productivity, I will use AI machines rather than argue with unproductive humans. So learn technology, tools, processes to improve efficieny, become more productive and most important be joyful.


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