9 minute read

High School Maths for Data Science

High School Maths for Data Science

Algebra I

  1. How to graph an ordered pair
  2. How to find the equation of a circle
  3. How to find the equation of a curve
  4. How to find x or y intercept
  5. How to find the endpoints of a line segment
  6. How to find the length of a line with distance formula
  7. How to find the midpoint of a line segment
  8. How to find out if lines are parallel
  9. How to find the equation of a parallel line
  10. How to find the slope of parallel lines
  11. How to find out if lines are perpendicular
  12. How to find the equation of a perpendicular line
  13. How to find the slope of a perpendicular line

Algebra II

  1. Setting up Equations
  2. Simplifying Equations
  3. Solving Equations
  4. Setting up Expressions
  5. Simplifying Expressions
  6. Solving Inequalities
  7. Understanding Direct Proportionality
  8. Understanding Indirect Proportionality
  9. Understanding Mean, Median, and Mode
  10. Understanding Range
  11. Understanding Normal Distributions
  12. Understanding Z-Scores
  13. Identifying Variables and Relationships
  14. Using Box and Whisker Plots
  15. Using Scatter Plots
  16. Understanding Quartiles and Percentiles
  17. Understanding Standard Deviation
  18. Understanding Variance
  19. Understanding Domain and Range
  20. Understanding Functional Notations
  21. Understanding Inverse Functions
  22. Understanding Transformation
  23. Graphing Linear Functions
  24. Transformations of Linear Functions
  25. Understanding Vertical and Horizontal Lines
  26. Transformations of Polynomial Functions
  27. Understanding Polynomial Functions
  28. Finding the Center and Radius
  29. Graphing Circle Functions
  30. Understanding Circle Functions
  31. Understanding Parabolic Functions
  32. Factoring Polynomials
  33. Simplifying Polynomials
  34. Solving Non-Quadratic Polynomials
  35. Understanding Polynomials
  36. Completing the Square
  37. Finding Roots
  38. Solving Quadratic Inequalities
  39. Using the Quadratic Formula
  40. Simplifying and Expanding Quadratic Equations
  41. Understanding Quadratic Roots
  42. Understanding the Discriminant
  43. Using FOIL
  44. Simplifying Rational Expressions
  45. Solving Rational Equations and Inequalities
  46. Understanding Rational Expressions
  47. Graphing Absolute Value
  48. Solving Absolute Value Equations
  49. Understanding Absolute Value
  50. Understanding Addition and Subtraction
  51. Understanding Multiplication and Division
  52. Distributing Exponents
  53. Multiplying and Dividing Exponents
  54. Graphing Exponential Functions
  55. Solving Exponential Equations
  56. Understanding Asymptotes
  57. Understanding Fractional Exponents
  58. Understanding Negative Exponents
  59. Multiplying and Dividing Factorials
  60. Understanding Factorials
  61. Understanding Imaginary and Complex Numbers
  62. Using Expressions with Complex Numbers
  63. Multiplying and dividing Logarithms
  64. Using Logarithms with Exponents
  65. Solving Logarithmic Equations
  66. Using Natural Log and Log-Base-10
  67. Factoring Radicals
  68. Using Radicals with Elementary Operations
  69. Solving Radical Equations and Inequalities
  70. Expressing Radicals as Exponents
  71. Understanding Square Roots
  72. Understanding Arithmetic Series
  73. Understanding Geometric Sequences
  74. Understanding Sequences
  75. Understanding Number Lines
  76. Understanding Number Sets
  77. Understanding Real Numbers

Calculus I — Derivatives

  1. Finding Regions of Concavity and Convexity
  2. Finding Regions of Increasing and Decreasing Value
  3. Finding Derivative at a Point
  4. Finding Derivative of a Function
  5. Finding Second Derivative of a Function
  6. Using the Chain Rule
  7. Understanding Derivatives of Exponents
  8. Understanding Derivatives of Sums, Quotients, and Products
  9. Understanding Derivatives of Trigonometric Functions
  10. Using Implicit Differentiation
  11. Conceptualizing Derivatives
  12. Understanding Integrals of Sums, Quotients, and Products
  13. Calculating Limits
  14. Identifying Absolute and Local Extrema
  15. Identifying Slope at a Point

Calculus II — Integrals

  1. Finding First and Second Derivatives
  2. Understanding L’Hospital’s Rule
  3. Finding Definite Integrals
  4. Finding Indefinite Integrals
  5. Finding Integrals by Substitution
  6. Using Limits with Continuity
  7. Understanding Polar Coordinates
  8. Understanding Vector Calculations
  9. Understanding Vector Coordinates
  10. Applying Taylor Series
  11. Understanding Maclaurin Series
  12. Understanding Taylor Series


  1. How to find the angle of clock hands
  2. How to find the length of the diameter
  3. How to find the ratio of diameter and circumference
  4. How to find circumference
  5. How to find the area of a circle
  6. How to find the length of a radius
  7. How to find the angle for a percentage of a circle
  8. How to find the angle of a sector
  9. How to find the area of a sector
  10. How to find the length of an arc
  11. How to find the percentage of a sector from an angle
  12. How to find an angle in a hexagon
  13. How to find the area of a hexagon
  14. How to find the length of the diagonal of a hexagon
  15. How to find the perimeter of a hexagon
  16. How to find an angle of a line
  17. How to find an angle in a polygon
  18. How to find the area of a polygon
  19. How to find the length of a side of a polygon
  20. How to find the perimeter of a polygon
  21. How to find an angle in a pentagon
  22. How to find the area of a pentagon
  23. How to find the length of the diagonal of a pentagon
  24. How to find the length of the side of a pentagon
  25. How to find the perimeter of a pentagon
  26. How to find the area of a kite
  27. How to find the perimeter of kite
  28. How to find if quadrilaterals are similar
  29. How to find an angle in a parallelogram
  30. How to find the area of a parallelogram
  31. How to find the perimeter of a parallelogram
  32. How to find if rectangles are similar
  33. How to find the area of a rectangle
  34. How to find the length of the diagonal of a rectangle
  35. How to find the length of the side of a rectangle
  36. How to find the perimeter of a rectangle
  37. How to find if rhombuses are similar
  38. How to find the area of a rhombus
  39. How to find the perimeter of a rhombus
  40. How to find the area of a square
  41. How to find the length of the diagonal of a square
  42. How to find the length of the side of a square
  43. How to find the perimeter of a square
  44. How to find an angle in a trapezoid
  45. How to find the area of a trapezoid
  46. How to find the length of the side of a trapezoid
  47. How to find the perimeter of a trapezoid
  48. How to find an angle in an acute / obtuse triangle
  49. How to find if two acute / obtuse triangles are similar
  50. How to find the area of an acute / obtuse triangle
  51. How to find the height of an acute / obtuse triangle
  52. How to find the length of the hypotenuse of an acute / obtuse triangle
  53. How to find the length of the side of an acute / obtuse triangle
  54. How to find the perimeter of an acute / obtuse triangle
  55. How to find the area of an equilateral triangle
  56. How to find the height of an equilateral triangle
  57. How to find the length of the side of an equilateral triangle
  58. How to find the perimeter of an equilateral triangle
  59. How to find the area of a 45/45/90 right isosceles triangle
  60. How to find the length of the hypotenuse of a 45/45/90 right isosceles triangle : Pythagorean Theorem
  61. How to find the length of the side of a 45/45/90 right isosceles triangle
  62. How to find the perimeter of a 45/45/90 right isosceles triangle
  63. How to find an angle in an acute / obtuse isosceles triangle
  64. How to find the height of of an acute / obtuse isosceles triangle
  65. How to find the length of the side of of an acute / obtuse isosceles triangle
  66. How to find the perimeter of an acute / obtuse isosceles triangle
  67. How to find an angle in a right triangle
  68. How to find if right triangles are similar
  69. How to find the area of a right triangle
  70. How to find the length of the hypotenuse of a right triangle : Pythagorean Theorem
  71. How to find the length of the side of a right triangle
  72. How to find the perimeter of a right triangle

Solid Geometry

  1. How to find the surface area of a cone
  2. How to find the volume of a cone
  3. How to find the diagonal of a cube
  4. How to find the length of an edge of a cube
  5. How to find the surface area of a cube
  6. How to find the volume of a cube
  7. How to find the surface area of a cylinder
  8. How to find the volume of a cylinder
  9. How to find the length of an edge of a prism
  10. How to find the surface area of a prism
  11. How to find the volume of a prism
  12. How to find the surface area of a polyhedron
  13. How to find the volume of a polyhedron
  14. How to find the surface area of a pyramid
  15. How to find the volume of a pyramid
  16. How to find the diameter of a sphere
  17. How to find the radius of a sphere
  18. How to find the surface area of a sphere
  19. How to find the volume of a sphere


  1. How to solve one-step equations with decimals in pre-algebra
  2. How to solve one-step equations with fractions in pre-algebra
  3. How to solve one-step equations with integers in pre-algebra
  4. How to solve two-step equations with decimals in pre-algebra
  5. How to solve two-step equations with fractions in pre-algebra
  6. How to solve two-step equations with integers in pre-algebra
  7. How to write an algebraic equation in pre-algebra
  8. How to do word problems where one quantity is unknown
  9. How to do word problems where two quantities are unknown
  10. How to find the area of a circle in pre-algebra
  11. How to find the area of a parallelogram in pre-algebra
  12. How to find the area of a rectangle in pre-algebra
  13. How to find the area of a square in pre-algebra
  14. How to find the area of a triangle in pre-algebra
  15. How to find the circumference of a circle in pre-algebra
  16. How to find the perimeter of a rectangle in pre-algebra
  17. How to find the perimeter of a square in pre-algebra
  18. How to find the perimeter of a triangle in pre-algebra
  19. How to find the volume of a cone in pre-algebra
  20. How to find the volume of a cylinder in pre-algebra
  21. How to find the volume of a pyramid in pre-algebra
  22. How to find the volume of a rectangular solid in pre-algebra
  23. How to find the volume of a sphere in pre-algebra
  24. How to graph a line in pre-algebra
  25. How to graph a point in pre-algebra
  26. How to identify a point in pre-algebra
  27. How to add and subtract integers in pre-algebra
  28. How to combine like terms with negative numbers in pre-algebra
  29. How to compare integers in pre-algebra
  30. How to define integers in pre-algebra
  31. How to do absolute value in pre-algebra
  32. How to multiply and divide integers in pre-algebra
  33. How to add and subtract polynomials in pre-algebra
  34. How to divide polynomials in pre-algebra
  35. How to use the power rule for exponents in pre-algebra
  36. How to use the product rule for exponents in pre-algebra
  37. How to multiply polynomials in pre-algebra
  38. How to solve a polynomial in pre-algebra
  39. How to combine like terms in pre-algebra
  40. How to do exponents in pre-algebra
  41. How to use the distributive property in pre-algebra
  42. How to use the order of operations in pre-algebra


  1. Solving Circle Functions
  2. Graphing Ellipses
  3. Graphing Hyperbolas
  4. Solving Hyperbola Functions
  5. Graphing Parabolic Functions
  6. Solving Parabola Functions
  7. Simplifying Exponential Functions
  8. Simplifying Logarithms
  9. Solving Logarithms
  10. Finding Asymptotes
  11. Finding Domain and Range
  12. Finding Maxima and Minima
  13. Finding Symmetries
  14. Finding Zeros of a Polynomial
  15. Simplifying Polynomial Functions
  16. Understanding Zeros of a Polynomial
  17. Finding Limits
  18. Finding Limits as X Approaches Infinity
  19. Finding One-Sided Limits
  20. Understanding the Definition of Limits
  21. Finding Partial Sums in a Series
  22. Finding Sums of Infinite Series
  23. Finding Terms in a Series
  24. Understanding Arithmetic and Geometric Series
  25. Using Sigma Notation


  1. Understanding Angles
  2. Understanding Angles in Different Quadrants
  3. Understanding Complementary and Suplmentary Angles
  4. Understanding Coterminal Angles
  5. Understanding Angles in the Unit Circle
  6. Understanding Radians and Conversions
  7. Using the Unit Circle
  8. Applying the Law of Cosines
  9. Applying the Law of Sines
  10. Applying Trigonometric Functions
  11. Understanding 30-60-90 Triangles
  12. Finding Sides
  13. Solving Trigonometric Equations
  14. Simplifying Trigonometric Functions
  15. Understanding Trigonometric Functions
  16. Understanding Period and Amplitude
  17. Using Basic and Definitional Identities
  18. Using Identities of Inverse Operations
  19. Using Identities of Squared Functions
  20. Using Pythagorean Identities
  21. Using Sum and Product Identities
  22. Understanding Arcsine, Arccosine, and Arctangent
  23. Understanding Secant, Cosecant, and Cotangent
  24. Understanding Sine, Cosine, and Tangent


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