The Essence of Bhagwat Gita: 3rd Chapter
The Essence of Bhagwat Gita: 3rd ChapterPermalink
The third chapter of the Bhagavad Gita focuses on Karma Yoga. Our modern life presents several challenges when it comes to understanding ancient wisdom:
- We don’t have time to read.
- Those who do have time often don’t dive deeper into the meaning. Why? You can ask yourself.
- Even those who understand sometimes take things out of context. Due to modern politics, advertisements, social values, and societal structures, ancient wisdom often seems irrelevant.
- When we actually need these ideas in our lives, we struggle to apply and reflect on them.
- The original text is in Sanskrutam (Sanskrit), which most people don’t know. Translations often carry the influence of the translator’s thoughts, ideologies, and values.
Here, I am presenting the essence of Chapter 3 through nine key shlokas. Read them slowly and try to assimilate their meaning.
I have been reflecting on the Bhagavad Gita and other Hindu Sanskrit texts for a long time, dedicating significant effort to seeking the Truth. I practice Hinduism, but my inquiries in the Essence of Bhagavad Gita Series do not come from a place of mere belief but from the perspective of a sincere seeker of Truth. I consider myself a serious seeker, and I strive to pursue the Truth in every possible way.
Scriptures are not merely about memorization, chanting, gaining respect, receiving awards, earning the reputation of a great saint (Mahant), Mathadheesh, or Sadhu, or proving the sharpness of one’s memory. These are but minor aspects of life. The various shlokas from philosophical scriptures (Darshana Shastras) serve a higher purpose—to help us reflect, declutter our minds, and bring clarity to our lives. Storing scripture and photos on hardisk, bookmarking them, sharing them etc is meaningless if you have not paused to reflect or if you think you will do all this towards the end of life or before dying.
You don’t need to read both the English and Hindi/Devanagari script—choose the one that aligns with your preference.
1. Action is Necessary (Karma is Inevitable)Permalink
Bhagwat Gita Sloka 3.5: English VersionPermalink
Na hi kaścit kṣaṇam api jātu tiṣṭhaty akarma-kṛt |
Kāryate hy avaśaḥ karma sarvaḥ prakṛti-jair guṇaiḥ || 3.5
No one can remain inactive even for a moment; everyone is compelled to act by the three gunas born of nature.
Krishna advises Arjuna that no one can escape action; even a wise person must act according to their nature. Complete renunciation of action is impractical; instead, one should act without attachment to results.
Bhagwat Gita Sloka 3.5: Hindi VersionPermalink
कर्म आवश्यक है
न हि कश्चित् क्षणमपि जातु तिष्ठत्यकर्मकृत् |
कार्यते ह्यवशः कर्म सर्वः प्रकृतिजैर्गुणैः || 3.5
कोई भी क्षणभर भी बिना कर्म किए नहीं रह सकता; सभी प्रकृति के गुणों से विवश होकर कर्म करते हैं।
2. Avoid Inaction and LazinessPermalink
Bhagwat Gita Sloka 3.8: English VersionPermalink
Niyataṁ kuru karma tvaṁ karma jyāyo hy akarmaṇaḥ |
Śarīra-yātrāpi ca te na prasiddhyed akarmaṇaḥ || 3.8
Perform your prescribed duties, for action is superior to inaction. Even bodily maintenance is not possible without action.
Mere avoidance of work is not a path to enlightenment. True detachment is acting without being emotionally invested in the results.
Bhagwat Gita Sloka 3.8: Hindi VersionPermalink
आलस्य और अकर्मण्यता से बचाव
नियतं कुरु कर्म त्वं कर्म ज्यायो ह्यकर्मणः |
शरीरयात्रापि च ते न प्रसिद्ध्येदकर्मणः || 3.8
अपने निर्धारित कर्म को कर, क्योंकि कर्म अकर्म से श्रेष्ठ है। यदि तू कर्म नहीं करेगा तो तेरा शरीर भी नहीं चलेगा ।
3. Sacrifice and Cosmic Balance (Yajna)Permalink
Bhagwat Gita Sloka 3.9: English VersionPermalink
*“Yajñārthāt karmaṇo’nyatra loko’yaṁ karma-bandhanaḥ |
Tad-arthaṁ karma kaunteya mukta-saṅgaḥ samāchara ||” 3.9
Actions performed for sacrifice do not bind one to karma. Therefore, Arjuna, act selflessly, free from attachment.
The universe functions on a cycle of Yajna. When people act selflessly, they contribute to harmony in society and nature.
Bhagwat Gita Sloka 3.9: Hindi VersionPermalink
यज्ञ और सृष्टि चक्र
यज्ञार्थात्कर्मणोऽन्यत्र लोकोऽयं कर्मबन्धनः |
तदर्थं कर्म कौन्तेय मुक्तसङ्गः समाचर || 3.9
यज्ञ के लिए किए गए कर्म के अतिरिक्त अन्य सभी कर्म बंधन उत्पन्न करते हैं। इसलिए, हे कौन्तेय! आसक्ति रहित होकर अपना कर्तव्य कर्म कर।
4. Selfless Action (Nishkama Karma)Permalink
Bhagwat Gita Sloka 3.19: English VersionPermalink
Tasmād asaktaḥ satataṁ kāryaṁ karma samācara |
Asakto hy ācaran karma param āpnoti pūruṣaḥ || 3.19
Therefore, perform your duty without attachment, for by acting without attachment, one attains the Supreme
Perform duties without selfish motives or the desire for rewards. Actions done as an offering to the divine lead to liberation rather than bondage.
Bhagwat Gita Sloka 3.19: Hindi VersionPermalink
निष्काम कर्मयोग
तस्मादसक्तः सततं कार्यं कर्म समाचर |
असक्तो ह्याचरन्कर्म परं आप्नोति पुरुषः ||
अतः तू आसक्ति रहित होकर अपने कर्तव्य कर्म को कर; इस प्रकार कर्म करता हुआ मनुष्य परम पद को प्राप्त होता है।
5. Setting the Right ExamplePermalink
Bhagwat Gita Sloka 3.21: English VersionPermalink
*“Yad yad ācarati śreṣṭhas tat tad evetaro janaḥ |
Sa yat pramāṇaṁ kurute lokas tad anuvartate || 3.21
Whatever a great person does, others follow. The standards they set become examples for the world.
Leaders must act responsibly, as others follow their example. Even Krishna, though self-sufficient, continues to act for the welfare of the world.
Bhagwat Gita Sloka 3.21: Hindi VersionPermalink
उत्तम व्यक्ति का उदाहरण
यद्यदाचरति श्रेष्ठस्तत्तदेवेतरो जनः |
स यत्प्रमाणं कुरुते लोकस्तदनुवर्तते || 3.21
श्रेष्ठ पुरुष जो कुछ भी करते हैं, सामान्य लोग उसी का अनुसरण करते हैं। वे जो आदर्श स्थापित करते हैं, संसार उसका अनुसरण करता है।
6. The Three Gunas Influence ActionsPermalink
Bhagwat Gita Sloka 3.27: English VersionPermalink
Prakṛteḥ kriyamāṇāni guṇaiḥ karmāṇi sarvaśaḥ |
Ahaṅkāra-vimūḍhātmā kartāham iti manyate || 3.27
All actions are performed by the gunas of nature, but the ego-deluded person thinks, ‘I am the doer.’
Human behavior is governed by the three modes (gunas): Sattva (goodness), Rajas (passion), and Tamas (ignorance). Recognizing these influences helps in mastering the mind and actions.
Bhagwat Gita Sloka 3.27: Hindi VersionPermalink
प्रकृति के गुण कर्म कराते हैं
प्रकृतेः क्रियमाणानि गुणैः कर्माणि सर्वशः |
अहङ्कारविमूढात्मा कर्ताहमिति मन्यते || 3.27
प्रकृति के गुणों द्वारा सभी कर्म कराए जाते हैं, परंतु अहंकारवश मूर्ख व्यक्ति सोचता है कि “मैं कर्ता हूँ।” इसका अर्थ यह नहीं है कि ईश्वर या आत्मा कर्ता है।
7. Ego vs. DutyPermalink
Bhagwat Gita Sloka 3.30: English VersionPermalink
Mayi sarvāṇi karmāṇi sannyasyādhyātma-cetasā |
Nirāśīr nirmamo bhūtvā yudhyasva vigata-jvaraḥ || 3.30
Surrender all actions to Me, with your mind focused on the Self. Be free from expectations and ego, and fight without distress.
One should not act out of ego or selfish desires but out of a sense of duty (dharma). Attachment to action’s fruits leads to suffering.
Bhagwat Gita Sloka 3.30: Hindi VersionPermalink
अहंकार बनाम कर्तव्य
मयि सर्वाणि कर्माणि संन्यस्याध्यात्मचेतसा |
निराशीर्निर्ममो भूत्वा युध्यस्व विगतज्वरः || 3.30
अपने समस्त कर्म मुझमें अर्पित कर, मन को आत्मा में स्थिर कर, आशा और ममता त्याग कर, चिंता मुक्त होकर युद्ध कर।
8. The Ultimate Teaching: Surrender to the DivinePermalink
Bhagwat Gita Sloka 3.31: English VersionPermalink
Ye me matam idaṁ nityam anutiṣṭhanti mānavāḥ |
Śraddhāvanto’ nasūyanto mucyante te’pi karmabhiḥ || 3.31
Those who follow My teachings with faith and without envy are freed from the bondage of karma.
Krishna advises surrendering actions to the divine (Ishwararpanam). This mindset brings inner peace and liberation.
Bhagwat Gita Sloka 3.31: Hindi VersionPermalink
परम तत्व को समर्पण
ये मे मतमिदं नित्यमनुतिष्ठन्ति मानवाः |
श्रद्धावन्तोऽनसूयन्तो मुच्यन्ते तेऽपि कर्मभिः || 3.31
जो मनुष्य मेरे इस मत का श्रद्धा और निष्कपट भाव से पालन करते हैं, वे समस्त कर्म बंधनों से मुक्त हो जाते हैं।
9. Following your own SwadharmaPermalink
Bhagwat Gita Sloka 3.35: English VersionPermalink
Śreyān svadharmo viguṇaḥ paradharmāt svanuṣṭhitāt |
Svadharme nidhanam śreyaḥ paradharmo bhayāvahaḥ || 3.35
It is far better to perform one’s own duty (dharma) imperfectly than to perfectly perform another’s duty. It is better to die in one’s own duty; following another’s path is fraught with fear.
Bhagwat Gita Sloka 3.35: Hindi VersionPermalink
श्रेयान्स्वधर्मो विगुणः परधर्मात्स्वनुष्ठितात् |
स्वधर्मे निधनं श्रेयः परधर्मो भयावहः || 3.35
अपने स्वधर्म का पालन करना, भले ही वह दोषपूर्ण हो, दूसरे के धर्म का पूरी तरह से पालन करने से श्रेष्ठ है। स्वधर्म में मरना भी कल्याणकारी है, जबकि परधर्म भयावह होता है।
You might ask questions like:
- How do I know my Swadharma?
- Is taking care of my parents and fulfilling my office responsibilities my Swadharma?
- Or is my Swadharma following my Jati Dharma, which comes from my Kula (community) and Varna?
- Or is my Swadharma about caring for the weak, poor, and underprivileged?
- Or does it mean putting the interests of my nation, parents, and community above my own?
Next, you can explore:
- What is Paradharma?
- Is taking care of others’ parents, community, and nation considered Paradharma?
- Is prioritizing my self-interest above others (such as competitors, vendors, ill-intentioned people, or selfish individuals) Paradharma?
Then, reflect: Why is Paradharma fraught with danger, and why is Swadharma better?
10. Control Over Desires (Lust & Anger as Enemies)Permalink
Bhagwat Gita Sloka 3.37: English VersionPermalink
Kāma eṣha krodha eṣha rajo-guṇa-samudbhavaḥ |
Mahāśhano mahā-pāpmā viddhyenam iha vairiṇam ||” 3.37
It is desire and anger, born of the mode of passion, that are the great enemies of the soul.
Lust and anger arise from the mode of Rajas (passion) and must be controlled. They are the greatest enemies on the spiritual path.
Bhagwat Gita Sloka 3.37: Hindi VersionPermalink
वासनाओं का नियंत्रण
काम एष क्रोध एष रजोगुणसमुद्भवः |
महाशनो महापाप्मा विद्ध्येनमिह वैरिणम् || 3.37
यह काम और क्रोध रजोगुण से उत्पन्न होते हैं; यह अत्यंत भक्षक और महापापी है। इन्हें इस लोक का महान शत्रु समझ।
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